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As of now, one route that leads to the bad ending is complete but the whole game itself will still take around nine months to even near completion with all the different endings and such, also keep in mind that I still have to make a soundtrack for the game as well which I do in fact have an idea of what it'll sound like so that's good news! Bad news is that my second semester of school will be starting Tuesday for me and I don't know if I'll be able to be consistent with working on the game unfortunately. But of course that won't stop development altogether but rather the development will be put on hold until I do end up having any free time to work on the game some more since my winter break is coming to an end. My hope is to release My Twisted Desire sometime near the end of this year (Maybe sooner) hopefully that is my ultimate goal but that will not be an easy feat with school starting back up again. Thank you all for reading my little devlog regarding MTD, I hope those who are reading this are just about as excited as I am to seeing the full game available! -Bryce