The European Union has its own anthem too.

In 1985, people who make decisions

in the European Union

chose a melody of a very important composer

to be the anthem of the European Union.

I have very large tables (30 million rows) that I would like to load as a dataframes in R. read.table() has a lot of convenient features, but it seems like there is a lot of logic in the implementation that would slow things down. In my case, I am assuming I know the types of the columns ahead of time, the table does not contain any column headers or row names, and does not have any pathological characters that I have to worry about.

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For this particular file, fread is actually very fast. I like the small file size from the highly compressed parquet2 test. I may invest the time to work with the native data format rather than a data.frame if I really need the speed up.

A minor additional points worth mentioning. If you have a very large file you can on the fly calculate the number of rows (if no header) using (where bedGraph is the name of your file in your working directory):

There is no such thing as a natural death: nothing that happens to a man is ever natural, since his presence calls the world into question. All men must die: but for every man his death is an accident and, even if he knows it and consents to it, an unjustifiable violation.

Simone de Beauvoir was a gifted author and influential existential philosopher. This was the first book I read by her, but I am very anxious now to read more of her work. I was so impressed with the beauty of her writing and with her deeply thoughtful honesty. With this book, she has touched my heart and mind like no other author has done in a long time.

After some time of being unable to find just what we had in mind, Alex and I decided to write a series of Advent reflections for our girls. We found that planning and writing this series together led us to rejoice anew in the great gift of Jesus Christ. For each day of Advent we wrote an extremely brief reading and prayer to use as a family and then Alex planned Bible readings on the same themes for us to do together after the children were in bed. Though Advent often begins on the last Sunday in November, we will begin on December 1 and have 24 days of readings.

Wow, this is amazing! I was trying to find good, solid, biblical but easy to understand advent readings for my almost three year old. After hours of googling around the internet, I stumbled across your wonderful blog. THANK YOU so much for taking the time to do these and then share them so others can enjoy them, bless you! I am quite excited to do these with me daughter this Christmas. ?

These days before Advent had been looking for readings and find a different way to make this special time with my kids. Thanks for sharing these stories and Bible readings. Your blog is a blessing. My kids will enjoy these Advent meditations.

For HOURS I have been searching the web and for a book of simple readings to use with our three children during Advent. I stumbled upon this, and it is exactly what I had in mind. Thank you for sharing this. What a blessing.

Thank you so very much for sharing. I am mother of two boys, 2.5 years old and 9 months old. Coincidentally, I am also wife of a PhD student who (we hope) will finish in 2014. We will be using these readings this year. Blessings to you!


Thank you very much, I have 3 kids all grown up and the outcome of there adult hood did not turn out very well (which puts me to tears every time I think of it). I am now guardian of my 3 year old grand daughter and I am really trying to give her a different type of teaching in life hoping that maybe things will be very different for her and that we can break the cycle of what happened with my kids. I started doing the advent calendar last year and the nativity barn but did not have any of this great stories to go with it or any animals or kings men. I will look for the Playmobile Nativity also. I am starting a day late with the story but it will be fine. I will also look into your Easter readings, Thank you so much!!

This is going to be a very helpful tool in 2015 for Advent. My two year old daughter celebrated Advent for the second year and this year she understood more than last year. In 2015 I hope to teach her even more and expand on my knowledge of the nativity and wrap each item up for her to open up again in 2015. Her father and I decided to buy her the Little People sets of Bethlehem so we will do some additions but this is a great starting point. We bought book to go along with the characters that tell beautiful stories but next year 2015 we are going to focus more on the biblical text. Thanks so much for publishing this blog.

Wow great effort.I was looking for something like this for a long time.U have been using the readings for my 10 year old son who writes the readings if each day on a sticky note and we are preparing a Christmas tree on the door with the notes.

Thanks and God bless ?


I was looking for advent readings for young ones and came across your blog. Yours worked wonderfully. We have a variety of ages (5,7,11, and 15) and was originally thinking it would be something for the younger two and the older two could be good sports and help lead but all four enjoyed taking turns reading and praying together and mom and dad loved the family time. Thank you for sharing. Blessings:)

Thank you so VERY much for the time and effort you put into this. I have purchased this exact nativity set for my kids and was looking for some daily advent readings to go along with it. This is perfect!

Brilliant. Thank you for sharing this. We have a fabric advent calendar and I was looking for advent reflections I could print out and include (alongside a sneaky chocolate) that would be suitable for my little one. Last year I tried reading snippets from a J.John christmas compendium but it was just a bit too long to hold the interest of all the family (fascinating for me though). What you have created seems ideal and I look forward to sharing it come December.

Hello, I wanted to say thank you so much for this. I made a block set for my sons when the glass nativity became a hazard in small hands. I printed out an advent reading to go with each piece, but never really liked it. It was not made for kids and did not get them interested in the story. I went through your study and only one piece did not line up, I dont have a dove lol. I have really looked high and low for a reading that fit our set, or a whole new one and again thank you so much

It is a work that the most cultivated may read with advantage, who will be delighted with its skill and taste; and if easy reading is hard writing, we are exceedingly obliged to the author, for anything easier and more skilfully graceful on such knotty subjects it has seldom, if ever, been our lot to peruse.

The easy-looking, and the simple things in all art matters are more difficult than the complex and intricate. It is a rule that easy reading is hard writing, and to construct anything that the mind takes in without effort, and without being puzzled by it, is a triumph of art.

It seems an odd thing to say of a book dealing with the profoundest questions of human faith and destiny that it is easy reading; but as Byron used to say, easy reading means hard writing, and there is no mistaking the amount of laborious thought and investigation that has been spent upon these chapters.

This program is designed mainly for use with preschool and kindergarten students, yet is very adaptable to fit a wide range of learning needs. Older students who are not yet reading and need to work on phonological awareness skills or other pre-reading skills may also benefit from using the program. Children who have fine motor delays or speech issues can use the program as well. Complete our Reading Readiness Checklist to determine if your student is ready for Pre-Reading.

The All About Reading Pre-Reading program is designed for preschoolers and kindergarteners. Your student will enjoy the special games, crafts, and storytime read-alouds, and you will love the way your student effortlessly learns essential pre-reading skills.

Your student will learn five very important pre-reading skills: Print Awareness, Phonological Awareness, Letter Knowledge, Listening Comprehension, and Motivation to Read. These skills lay the foundation for learning to read. Below is a sampling in each area.

The EasyEnglish Bible is an easy Bible to read and understand in simple modern English. It is based on a vocabulary of 1200 common English words. It is ideal for people who are learning English or speak English as a foreign language. For more details, see What is the EasyEnglish Bible?

In the Flesch reading-ease test, higher scores indicate material that is easier to read; lower numbers mark passages that are more difficult to read. The formula for the Flesch reading-ease score (FRES) test is:[7]

The U.S. Department of Defense uses the reading ease test as the standard test of readability for its documents and forms.[11] Florida requires that insurance policies have a Flesch reading ease score of 45 or greater.[12][13]

As readability formulas were developed for school books, they demonstrate weaknesses compared to directly testing usability with typical readers. They neglect between-reader differences and effects of content, layout and retrieval aids.[15] For example, the pangram "Cwm fjord-bank glyphs vext quiz." has a reading ease score of 100 and grade level score of 0.52 despite its obscure words.

At Educator Central, you can create and manage student accounts, monitor your students' learning, and get detailed reading and learning analytics that help you make smart classroom decisions. For free. Now.

In a few minutes, you can create student accounts on, and easily monitor your students' reading and learning progress. Get actionable learning and error analytics as your students read and learn from any document you post, or from any document or web page they want to read. 17dc91bb1f

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