Private Lessons

About Private Lessons

Private lessons are not a requirement but are certainly encouraged.  Private lessons allow a child’s instruction to be personalized to his or her needs, whether to learn more challenging material because class material is too easy, or to get instruction that will help them catch up if they are behind or struggling on material taught in class.  You may find a different local teacher to teach your child privately, or you may sign up for private lessons at Veritas with the orchestra teacher.

Private lessons taught at Veritas are held in the orchestra classroom once a week either on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Each lesson lasts 30 minutes and the cost to participate will be $20 per lesson.  Please contact the orchestra director, Darci Bilberry at if you are interested in signing up.  

Resources for Private Students

How to Vibrato

Online Violin Tuner There are directions at the bottom of the screen when you click the link to tell you how to use the online tuner, there is also demonstration in the video below.  Basically, when you play your string (start with A) you will see a little circle moving around. Your goal is to get it to the move to the  middle and turn orange.  That means the string is in tune.  If the little circle is to the left of center the string is sounding too low and needs to be adjusted to sound higher (so turn your fine tuner the the right or clockwise)  If the little circle is right of center that means your instrument is too high and the fine tuner needs to be turned to the left or counterclockwise.

Video for how to use Online Tuner above using only fine tuners!  If it needs a large adjustment I'll get it done for you during the next class.  Eventually, we will learn how to use our pegs too.