Virtual Theological Library

The Virtual Library contains bibliographic records to open access theological resources and is organized by format into the following pages:

Each page consists of a set of filter fields at the top and a list of records. The first column contains the title or name and links to the resource (eg web page or pdf).

Using filters

      • Use the filter fields to help narrow down your search.
      • Each filter field will display the column name to which the filter applies
      • There are 2 types of filters:
        • Text filters allow you to enter search text and will show records that contain the search text
        • Category filters can be identified by the + next to the Filter name and allow you to select one or more category from a list. Only records with either of the selected categories will be shown.
      • Removing filters
        • The search filters can be reset in one go by clicking the Options Icon to the right if the filter fields and selecting Clear filters
        • Text filters can be removed individually by deleting the search text
        • Category filters can be cleared by clicking on the x next to each chosen category.

Browning records

The records are listed in a table showing 15 records at a time. The four different types of resources each have different columns. The first column always contains the title or name of the resource. The resource can be accessed by clicking on the title.

The next or previous set of 15 records can be shown by using the navigation arrows at the top and bottom of the list of records.