Address Validation For Online Stores

Address verification helps online stores resolve issues with wrong addresses. Addresses can have various variations, including incorrect street names or incomplete postal codes. Address validation uses a database of addresses from different sources. This allows online stores to verify addresses before shipping them to their customers. This is especially useful when customers are using mobile devices to make purchases, as autocorrect can result in errors.

Address validation saves retailers time and money. Address mistakes can delay shipments and create unhappy customers. Address validation can help retailers reduce these costs and ensure that their delivery processes run smoothly. With a few clicks, address verification can help retailers improve their delivery rates and customer satisfaction. Address validation is a free service offered by ShipperHQ.

Address validation is a vital part of ensuring that your customers' addresses are correct. You can use a tool like PostGrid to check addresses for accuracy. This solution allows you to access the largest database of addresses from the U.S. Postal Service and other third parties. You can also use a web service API to access address databases from these sources.

Another useful feature of address verification is auto-complete. This feature automatically formats an address field and displays the correct information for the customer. It can also alert the customer if an address is incorrectly entered. Using auto-complete is especially useful when shipping products internationally.