
Time Crystals

We have realized a continuous time crystal state - a keenly sought non-equilibrium phase of matter that spontaneously breaks the continuous time translational symmetry, on a photonic platform.

"Continuous Space-Time Crystal State Driven by Nonreciprocal Optical Forces," arXiv (2023)

Optical Communication

We are exploring the spatial degree of freedom of light to enhance the bandwidth and transmission capacity of optical communication links. We are using Speckle-based AI tools to decode and demultiplex information in Orbital Angular Momentum beams.

"Speckle-based Structured Light Shift-keying for Non-line-of-sight Optical Communication," Appl. Opt. 62, G53-G59 (2023).

Singular Optics

We are developing AI models to recognize structured light through their speckle patterns. The key takeaway is that any small portion of the speckle field with enough speckle grains is adequate to perform this task, thus providing a noise and alignment-independent technique for mode detection. 

"Speckle-based deep learning approach for classification of orbital angular momentum modes," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 39, 759-765 (2022)