Employee Experience

WFH Tales

Sanjeev Saini


“I absolutely love the WFH concept as it allows me to work in a free environment with more focus. It saves me the commute time which I can put towards working efficiently. As I can control my working hours, I get to be with my family and work simultaneously which motivates me to do better. All distractions have been eliminated as I now have a proper study room back in Bhopal where I can work in Zen silence. Also, getting delicious, steaming hot food of my choice is a boon! “ 

Pawan Gill


“I live in Faridabad and I spend about 3 hours daily to-and-fro to the office. During WFH, I can put this time towards more fruitful work tasks. The flexibility of working hours has also allowed me to spend more time with my family which is making me happier.

However, I miss the experience of working with my colleagues in an office environment. It adds a lot of value to everybody’s work when we can consult and help each other out. I guess, WFH has both pros and cons, but as of now, I am turning this into an advantage.”



“Safety has been the main concern during this pandemic and the WFH facility has allowed me to perform my job while taking safety precautions for my family and myself. Since there is no rush to adhere to a tight schedule, there is a peace of mind that allows me to take care of my health and spend time with my family. I can now make time for morning, walks, yoga, and maintain a regular exercising schedule. I also started cultivating my interests like sketching, as I’ve wanted to for a long time.

I am extremely grateful towards the company for this facility and feel inspired to let my work reflect my happiness.”

Vikas Tripathi


“WFH due to COVID 19 situation came as a blessing in disguise for me. I was blessed with a son 3 months ago and this Pandemic gave me the chance to see my baby growing day by day which is giving me a blissful and contented feeling like never before.

The peace of mind and joy at heart has contributed to my work efficiency along with the support of my company who provided me with the essentials, be it my high configuration PC system or the flexibility to work at my own time discretion. To summarize I want to say that “Life is full of surprises, you never know what comes next. Train your mind to see the good in every situation.”

This content originally appeared here on: https://www.veneratech.com/employee-experience/