Privacy Policy

Effective November 7, 2018

This Privacy Policy (referred to as the “Policy”) describes how Lovelo Apps (“I”, “we”, ”us”) collect, use and/or disclose personal or other information through (1) (the “Site”) and (2) software products and/or services, published in Google Play Store as Android Apps, that can be downloaded to your smartphone, tablet or any other compatible device (“Mobile Apps”). The term “Services” means the Site and Mobile Apps. The term “you” (“your”) means any person or entity who accesses or uses the Services.

We value the trust and confidence of our users and we want to make it clear that we do not sell, rent or trade email lists or similar personal information lists with other companies or businesses for marketing purposes.

When we provide the Services to you free of charge or otherwise, we may show ads from third party Ad Tech Providers (“Ad Providers”) in our Mobile Apps to generate income.

1. Information Collection

· User Provided Information. When using our Services, you may provide certain information about you by which someone could personally identify you such as name, age, email address (“Personally Identifiable Information”), as well as information about yourself by which someone cannot personally identify you such as browser type, device configurations or device performance data (“Non-Identifying Information”).

· Payment Data. We may collect certain payment data such as name and billing address, provided by you when you make a purchase through our Services. When required by the law, we will share your payment data with banks, accountants or other third-party financial institutions or law enforcing for tax or fraud prevention.

· Information collected automatically. The Ad Providers may automatically collect certain information from you when you use our Services. The information collected may include the IP address, geolocation, mobile ad identifier or other unique device identifier. We respect your privacy and we choose to work only with selected Ad Providers that are complying with privacy laws, however we are not responsible for any misuse of your data by third parties. Please see the section Selected Ad Providers for a list of the Ad Providers we work with and their privacy policies.

· Preferences data. We may store various preferences (“Preferences data”) for any of the Mobile Apps on your device so that the app will start from the previous saved state such as settings of Mobile Apps, last state of the app before exit, high scores of a game.

2. Use of Information

We use the information we collect:

· To operate, maintain and provide the features and functionality of the Services.

· We may use Non-Identifying Information related to your region in order to present to you customized features for the region (country) you live in, such as translating the contents of Mobile Apps to the language respective to your region.

· The Ad Providers may use your Personally Identifiable Information or Non-Identifying Information to tailor personalized ads that are meaningful to you.

· To comply with the law, to prevent illegal, fraudulent or unethical activity.

3. Information Disclosure

We may disclose Personally Identifiable Information or Non-Identifying Information to Ad Providers or other third-party service providers to perform Services-related services, such as, without limitation, maintenance services, database management, web analytics, online advertising, payment processing or fraud detection.

We may also disclose Personally Identifiable Information or Non-Identifying Information (1) if required to do so by law or in response to a court order, legal process, search warrant or request by a public authority; (2) if we believe, in good faith, that such action is appropriate or necessary to exercise out legal rights, take precautions against liability, to investigate and defend ourselves against any allegations, to assist government enforcement agencies or to protect the security or integrity of our Services.

Depending on where you are located and according to local laws you may be asked to give consent about disclosure of your Personally Identifiable Information to third-party service providers. If you accept to have your Personally Identifiable Information shared, your Personal Identifiable Information will be disclosed to that third-party (third-parties) and will be subject to the privacy policy of that third-party. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of third-parties. You have the option to accept or reject sharing your Personally Identifiable Information at any time from the settings menu of the Mobile Apps.

Please note that when you share information about yourself in any public areas of our Services, such as, without limitation, name, nickname or age in a game that are visible to other users, we consider that information to be public information. You are solely responsible for any information, including Personally Identifiable Information, that you disclose in public areas of our Services.

4. Ad Servers and similar third-parties

We may work with advertising agencies (Ad Providers) who may use technologies to serve you advertisements that may interest you. Our service providers may collect certain information about your activity on the Services as well as other websites or services, they may set and access their own tracking technologies on your device, including cookies. You can choose to opt out of receiving interest-based advertising from these Ad Providers, including members of the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) and the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAI”). For more information about NAI and DAA members and your choices regarding opting-out of ad networks operated by NAI members and DAA members, please visit and If you choose to opt out, please note you will continue to receive generic ads.

5. Your choices

You may request access to or correction of any Personally Identifiable Information we have about you or request deletion of all Personally Identifiable Information we have about you. Please note that information shared by you in public areas of our Services become public information and we may not take action in deleting that information if we believe this action will affect our Services.

If you are located in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) you may contact us at to request a restriction on the processing of your Personally Identifiable Information or exercise other rights with respect to your Personally Identifiable Information.

6. Security

We take commercially reasonable precautions to protect and secure the information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. Please be aware that no data security measures can guarantee 100% security. We cannot ensure and do not warrant the security of any information you transmit to us.

7. Links to other sites

Our Services may contain links to third-party websites. This Policy does not cover the websites you will be redirected by choosing to click any link. The other websites may place their own cookies or other files on your device. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of the other websites you visit.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us at