SPOTIFY : VeganReporters seeks collaborations with vegans to enable reports and reporting about a world that focuses on an animal-friendly existence.

Life without animal products. Enjoy plant-based foods.

Developing replacement products so that humanity can enjoy a healthy and happy life without the suffering.

Stijn's motto is : GODOGOOD, smile and love life & let's work together.

Filming and Photography is one of his favorite thing to do.

VeganStijn is vegan since 8-8-2018 and loves to travel and cook vegan.

Plays tennis and padel in his home town Alkmaar at in The Netherlands.

Stijn loves to ski. Likes to swim and wishes to walk and cycle more to keep in shape.

He always enjoys to watch movies and creates online podcasts,vlogs and sites or blog texts.

Writing songs with the guitar or the piano with friends makes him sing, dance and laugh.

Stijn did meet 2000 people befor 2000 and works as a freelancer as an online journalist.

Join Stijn Gabeler at StijnOnline / VeganStijn / /