
Why switch to vegan cosmetics?

Why Changing to Vegan Cosmetics Is the Rational Choice

Your skin is only able to absorb 60% of the product that you apply on your face. Therefore, you should make every effort possible to make sure that you are putting the very best on your skin. Non-Vegan Cosmetics use chemicals which are not well tolerated even in small concentrations. Simply, your skin is unable to break down some of the chemicals which are placed in Non-Vegan cosmetics.

There are new Vegan Cosmetic brands coming into the market every month because people are realizing that whilst Vegan products are "less" effective by the tiniest variable, they contain less filler ingredients. This means that more of the nourishing and beneficial ingredients in Vegan cosmetic products are being absorbed into your skin, rather than the filler and more toxic ingredients in Non-Vegan cosmetic. Make that 60% count.

Why Changing to Vegan Cosmetics is the Ethical Choice

More and more Vegan Cosmetic Companies are following suit into becoming carbon neutral, ethically sourced, organic and even cruelty-free. Whilst these labels used to be 'buzzwords' they are quickly becoming requirements in the vegan cosmetic industry due to consumer demand. As more cosmetic brands are getting on the band wagon, some are getting more nefarious and creative.

Some brands are actively deceiving consumers by inventing their own branding for their very own 'certifications'. These brands are claiming their products to be cruelty-free even though they are sourcing their ingredients from laboratories in china, which are required to test chemicals on animals by law.

The good news is that there are organisations like the leaping bunny who verify each vegan cosmetic product for their certification claims. The leaping bunny verifies organic, cruelty-free and ethical sourcing claims seen on vegan cosmetics.

Why Changing to Vegan Cosmetics is the Healthier Choice

Vegan cosmetics are a healthier choice for your body. This is because you are introducing ingredients which are not chemically engineered but are naturally available and readily absorbed into your skin. Vegan cosmetics are the healthier choice because they are better tolerated by the skin than non-vegan products. Non-vegan products rely on parabens to reduce skin inflammation. Vegan products do not have to rely on parabens to reduce inflammation, this is because they are better tolerated by the skin.

Vegan cosmetic products are healthier for your body because the ingredients are not required to be filtered by complex liver processes. This is because vegan cosmetic products do not contain pro-chemicals, these kinds of ingredients must be absorbed by the skin, pass through the blood-barrier and be processed by the liver to become active. Your skin is not able to process ingredients by itself.

These complex ingredients are not found in vegan cosmetic products. This is why changing to vegan cosmetics is the healthier choice.

Food is medicine, why you should use every herbs in your skincare routine

I grew up around large gardens, my grandparents were children of old fashioned farm hands and farm owners, so over the years I learned as much about plants and animals as i could. But did you know that there are plants that can help with skincare? These plants have been growing in my grandma's garden for a long time. To get started in growing your own garden, you should be collecting food scraps from your kitchen, chicken manure from your gardening store. This fertilizer will help kick start your compost. Every garden needs compost. You will also need general purpose gardening soil. Now, all is left is the plant pots. Some people recommend separating each plant or bush into a separate pot. But if you are starting out the first time you may want a rectangle troth to grow everything together. All that it left now is to plant the seeds and water the pot, lightly, only twice per week. Do not bother fertilizing with chicken manure until the plants have germinated. You will just be attracting unwanted pests if you do so. Now you are on your way to growing plants that can help with skincare.

Common Ingredients in Non-Vegan Cosmetic Products

Non-Vegan Ingredients: Lanolin, Shellac, Glycerin, Casein, Squalene, Guanine, Oleic Acid, Stearic Acid, Carmine, Collagen, Elastin, Keratin and Beeswax.

Only the Best Vegan Recipes For Making Your Own Meat

Vegan Popcorn Chicken:

  1. In a large bowl, combine soy chunks, mashed garlic, ginger, 1 tsp salt and fill the bowl with vegetable broth until it covers the soy chunks. Soak for about 20 minutes or until the chunks are soft.

  2. Heat a pot with about an inch of oil on medium high heat.

  3. Mix together 1/2 cup flour and 3/4 cup vegetable broth from the soaking soy chunks and whisk until no lumps remain. Divide between two bowls.

  4. Once the chunks are soft and soaked, gently squeeze the excess liquid from the soy chunks and coat in one of the bowls of flour mixture.

  5. Transfer the chunks to a ziploc bag with 1/2 cup cornstarch. Shake until coated, then transfer to the second bowl of flour mixture, coat, then transfer to another ziploc bag that has the garlic powder, bread crumbs, lemon pepper, and salt.

  6. Fry the chunks in oil in batches until golden. You may need to push them around to fry all sides because they tend to like to float in one way.

  7. Remove and drain on a paper towel.

  8. In a food processor, blend the dill, sour cream, salt and pepper to make the dip.

Top Vegan Brands
Top 5 Vegan Hair Care Products
Top 5 Vegan Hair Care Products.pdf