LAB Instructor Manual

  • List of Experiments


  • Implement a client and server communication using sockets programming.

  • Write a program to implement distance vector routing protocol for a simple topology of routers.

  • Write a program to implement error detection and Correction concept using Checksum and Hamming code.

  • Implement a simple multicast routing mechanism.

  • Write a program to implement concurrent chat server that allows current logged in users to communicate one with other.

  • Implementation of concurrent and iterative echo server using both connection and connectionless socket system calls.

  • Implementation of remote command execution using socket system calls.

  • Write a program to encrypt and decrypt the data using RSA and Exchange the key securely using Diffie-Hellman Key exchange protocol.

Note: The above experiments shall be conducted using C / C++ on Linux Operating System.


  • Setup an IEEE 802.3 network with a) hub b) switch c) Hierarchy of switch. Apply the FTP, Telnet applications between nodes. Vary the number of nodes. Vary the bandwidth, queue size and observe the packet drop probability.

  • Setup a wireless sensor networks with atleast two device co-coordinators and nodes. Provide Constant Bit Rate (CBR), Variable Bit Rate (VBR) application between several nodes. Increase the number of co-coordinators and nodes in the same area and observe the performance at physical and MAC layers.

  • Setup an IEEE 802.11 network with at least two access points. Apply the CBR, VBR applications between devices belonging to same access points and different access points. Provide roaming of any device. Vary the number of access points and devices. Find out the delay in MAC layer, packet drop probability.

  • Case Study on Configuring Routers using CISCO-Packet tracer.