Class Presentations

Unit 1- Logical Reasoning and Algorithmic Problem Solving .........DURATION (8 hours)

  • Skill development – Examples related to Arithmetical Reasoning and Analytical Reasoning.

  • Fundamentals of algorithms, flowcharts.

  • Algorithmic Problem Solving: Arithmetic and Algebraic problems, Sorting and Searching problems, Games.

  • Introduction to Computer Concepts -Introduction to Computer Hardware, Software and its Types.


Class Presentation

Unit 2-Introduction to C programming ..... DURATION 10 Hours
  1. Programming paradigms, Basic structure of C program, Process of compiling and running a C program, Features of C language.
  2. Character set, C tokens, Keywords and Identifiers, Constants, Variables, Data types, Pre-processor directives.
  3. Handling Input and Output operations- Formatted input/output functions, Unformatted input/output functions with programming examples using all functions.
  4. Operators- Introduction to operator set, Arithmetic operators, Relational operators, Logical Operators, Assignment operators, Increment and Decrement operators, Conditional operators, Bit-wise operators, Special operators.
  5. Expressions -Arithmetic expressions, evaluation of expressions, Precedence of arithmetic operators, Type conversion in expressions, Operator precedence and associativity

Class Presentations


Unit 2a

Topics 2.1 to 2.3


Unit 2b

Topics 2.4 and 2.5

Unit 3- Programming Constructs DURATION 8Hours

  1. Decision Making and Branching-Decision making with ‘if’ statement, Simple ‘if’ statement, the ‘if…else’ statement, nesting of ‘if…else’ statements, The ‘else if’ ladder, The ‘switch’ statement, The ‘?:’ operator, The ‘goto’ statement.

  2. Decision making and looping- The ‘for’,’while’,’do-while’ statements with examples, Jumps in loops.

  3. Arrays- Introduction to Arrays, Types of arrays, Declaration arrays, Initializing dimensional arrays (One Dimensional and Multidimensional Array) with examples.

  4. String -Introduction, Declaration and Initializing String Variables using arrays, String operations and functions with examples.

Class Presentations



Topic 3.1



Topic 3.2



Topic 3.3 and 3.4

Unit 4 DURATION 8 Hours

  1. Functions- Need for Functions, Types of functions (User Defined and Built –In), working with functions, Definition, declaration and its scope, Category of functions Storage classes (Automatic, Static, Extern, Register).

  2. Recursion- Introduction, Example programs(Factorial, Fibonacci Series, Ackerman function merge sort or quick sort and other examples)

  3. Pointers -Introduction ,Benefits of using pointers, Declaration and Initialization of pointers, Obtaining a value of a variable, Typecasting of a pointer, Arithmetic Operations using pointers, pointers and arrays, pointers and strings, pointers and functions.

Class Presentations


Unit 4a

Topic 4.1 and 4.2


Unit 4b

Topic 4.3

Unit 5 DURATION 8 Hours

Structures and Unions- Introduction, Structure definition, declaring structure variables, accessing structure members, Structure initialization, Copying and comparing structure variables, Arrays of structure, Arrays within structures, Structure within structures, Structures and functions.

Introduction to Unions: Comparison of Structure and Unions.


Class Presentation