Veðurstöðin Privacy Policy

Last Updated: November 19th 2023

This site contains the privacy policy for the app Veðurstöðin available on Google Play store. The policy contains overview of what private data is accessed and why it is accessed by the app. It also has overview on what data is potentially be shared to external parties. 

No personal data is collect by the app developers and data that is used in the app does not leave the user’s device, unless it is used by Google services that the app uses. Personal data could be used by Google when displaying ads in the app, when using the in-app purchases through the Play Store or using the Google Maps functionality in the app, see Google's Privacy Policy.

Information accessed


User’s location is used by the app to automatically select the closest weather station and display information for that station in the application and in widgets. User’s location is also used when viewing weather stations in Google Maps view in the app.

Image Files

The app stores weather forecast images on the user’s device as a cache. When same image is viewed for the second time it is therefore read from the user’s device storage. No personal files are written or read from the user’s device.

Phone Identity

The permission to read phone status and identity are only used by Google Adsense when displaying ads in the app.

Information shared

Carriers Companies that provide mobile connections.

We DON'T share your information with them.

Government Sharing with the government, except where required by law or expressly permitted in an emergency.

We DON'T share with them unless the law says we must.

Data Resellers Companies that sell your info to other companies for multiple purposes, including offering you relevant products.

We DON'T share your information with them.

Data Analytics Companies that collect and analyze your data.

We DON'T share your information with them.

Systems & Platforms Software companies that power your device, app stores or companies that provide developers with info about app consumers.

Google services, e.g. Google Maps,  Google AdSense and Google Play In-app billing is used for payments when user purchases the premium version of the application.

Other Apps Other apps by companies that you may not have a relationship with.

We DON'T share your information with them.

Social Networks Companies that facilitate relationships and sharing between people with common interests.

We DON'T share your information with them.

Ad Networks Companies that display ads to you through apps.

Google AdSense is used in the app to display ads. For more information about data collected look at the Google Ads Policy