Three ways of classifying sastra (prasthana-traya)

  • Vedic knowledge is to be accepted through hearing, or aural-reception (sruti-prasthana);
  • It should be understood, though it is complicated (nyaya-prasthana)
  • It should be remembered in all circumstances (smrti-prasthana).

The Supplemental Vedas:

  • The Samhita is the main part and has hymns, prayers, and mantras generally sung by brahmacaries glorifying the deities of the different Vedas.
  • The Brahmanas discuss the meaning of the sacrificial rites and ceremonies (rituals). Studied by grhasthas (city-dwellers) part of karma-kanda (kk) + upasana-kanda (uk) (to worship different deities, rituals are given).
  • The Aranyakas are forest-texts [vanaprasthas; kk + jnana-kanda (jk)+ uk]. Getting the goods of life by yajnas. Upanisads usually belong to Aranyakas.
  • The Upanisads are the teachings of the sages on mystical experience. (jk meant for ascetics—sannyasis). As part of the Vedas, the Upanisads are considered as revealed scriptures.