The Veda's explained

Read Bhagavad Gita As It Is, explained and with commentary by a pure devotee: Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!

Watch out for the fake Hare Krishna's! They deviate from the sampradaya and belong to one of the apasampradayas

The Prabhupada Connection

Three Sources - Prasthanatrayi


ISKCON GBC leaders say: Do not ask any questions but the whole goal of human life is to ask questions!

It is not called Hindu-Dharma with or without Deity worship but Sanatana Dharma!

Of all Yoga systems (which has temporary results as fruit), is Bhakti Yoga (which has eternal results as fruit) the best!

Sri Isopanisad - Introduction "Teachings of the Vedas"

Glories of Mahabharata and Vishnu-sahasra-nama


Bonafide commentary on the Vedanta is the King of all books: Srimad Bhagavatam

Śrīla Jīva Goswami has explained, “Unless you accept the inconceivable power of the Supreme Lord, there is no understanding.”

"It is the business of the sannyāsī or brahmacārī." No. It is the business of everyone. The whole world is suffering for want of knowledge. The present civilization is animal civilization. They do not know anything beyond eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That's all. This is animal civilization.

The arrival of clouds, accompanied by thunder and flashes of lightning all over the sky, provides a picture of life-giving hope.

The serene sky, limitlessly expansive, is compared to the Absolute Truth.

The scorching heat of the sun evaporates water from the seas, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, and there is little water anywhere.

The welfare state imposes upon its citizens scorching taxes in various forms - income tax, sales tax, land tax, terminal tax, excise tax, customs tax, and so many other taxes.

Attracted by electricity throughout the sky and driven by forceful winds, clouds gradually cover the surface of the earth to satisfy the needy people by supplying water, which is the substance of their life.

We should always know that God is always kind to us. Despite our gross disobedience to the laws of God's nature, the Lord is kind enough to look after our maintenance.