
APPROACH #1 (3-way text):


(CUSTOMER NAME), how'd you like my presentation? Was I high pressure or pushy at all?

Like I said before, the reason I do this is (SHARE YOUR WHY - KEEP IT BRIEF). Thank you so much for helping me hit my goals. It means more to me than you know.

RECO APPROACH: (virtual *or* in-home)

There's one more very important part. This is the best way to prove to my manager that these presentations are actually happening.

We have a sponsorship program where I can earn Cutco for my presentations. All you have to do is go through your phone and recommend me to 10 of your nicest friends, family, or coworkers. They don't have to be buyers because I get credit for every presentation. Just people who are nice enough to accept a phone call. Of course there's no pressure to buy and they're free to say no.

And when you get 20 names and numbers, you become a DOUBLE sponsor. And when I get to 50 sponsors, I win free Cutco that'll help me towards my goals.


So here's my notebook and pen. I should mention they can live anywhere in the world, because I can present virtually as well. Thank you so much! This really helps me out! (Hand over notebook)


I have a pen and paper right here. Let's start with the names and come back for the phone numbers. Who is the first person that comes to mind that would be nice enough to accept a phone call? (Suggest they put you on speaker phone and scroll through contacts)

(Download fillable Sponsorship Page HERE)

"I don't give out numbers" or "I'll email later"

I understand. That’s what a lot of people say at first. Some people get upset if they get a phone call they didn’t expect. That's why I created a heads-up text message you can send to the people you’re recommending. This way they won’t be caught off guard if I contact them. I'll send you the text right now.

If you want to save yourself some time, you can include me on the text message (a 3-way text). And I can follow-up later if they’re willing to help. Or remove them from my list if they’re not. Either way, I’m the only person who will ever see these phone numbers. No one else.

But even if you recommend me to 10 people and only 3 are willing to meet me? That's totally ok! That STILL locks you in as a sponsor. So who would be the first person you'd be willing to reach out to?

THE HEADS UP TEXT MESSAGE: (1on1, not ALL their friends)

I just saw a Cutco presentation from (my son’s friend / my nephew / a college student, etc). Have you heard of it? (REP’S FIRST NAME) is working with Cutco to (SHARE YOUR GOAL, ie, pay for school, etc). You came to mind because I liked it. I thought you’d like it too. Of course you're free to say no since there’s no pressure. He/she gets paid just to show it, so I told him/her I’d refer a few people.

If the reco replies with something positive: Nice to meet you, (NAME). Thanks so much for being willing to help me. I’ll follow-up asap. (You can include an emoji if you’d like)

GETTING EXTRA RECS: (once they start giving recs)

Introducing me to people helps me out even more than if you bought ten Homemakers from me. Thank you so much. Let me see if I can help you think of one or two extra people:

    • Who do you know that loves to cook? (even if they rarely have time to cook)

    • Who do you know that entertains? (hosts the holidays)

    • Who do you know that likes nice things?

    • Who do you know that has a really nice kitchen?

    • Who do you know that has kids or a big family?

    • What about people from work or past jobs?

    • What about your neighbors? (Can get specific here – house across the street)

    • What about people that live out of state?

    • Who has ever recommended you for stuff?

    • Who do you know that has a black belt in shopping? :-)


(CUSTOMER NAME), let me give you an incentive. If you recommend me to ____ of your friends and ____ or more say YES to the presentation? I'll send you a free peeler. (Talk to your mgr about what #s make sense)

    • You can bonus the peeler on the order if they hit a certain number of recommendations and you have enough points.

    • Peelers are available for sale from your manager for $5.83. Often times the cost of the peeler plus the shipping is less than bonusing the order (depending on your incentive level)

APPROACH #2 (Heads up):

STEP 1: Ask For Recommendations

  • Mrs. __________, how did you like my demo?

  • Great! Go ahead and pull out your cell phone because there’s one more very important part...

  • Here’s where you can really help me out.

  • I get paid every time I show Cutco, but I can only show it to people I’ve been personally recommended to.

  • I’m trying to keep my schedule full in order to... (review goals)

  • So what I need you to do is grab your phone! Please open your contacts and let’s jot down the first 100 names that come to mind. I’m kidding, just 10 people who might be nice enough to help me out.

  • I’m not looking for people who you think would buy, just nice people like you willing to take a look.

  • I have a pen ready, who do you think we can add first? (Alternate option: explain and use

  • Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it.

• By the way, you can help me out to build my kit. If you can give me 10 recommendations, you become a Sponsor. If you give me 20 or more, you become a Double Sponsor (OPTIONAL: free peeler for 20 recs). Once I have 50 sponsors, I get a free piece of Cutco from my manager.

(Download fillable Sponsorship Page HERE)

STEP 2: Text Heads Up / Getting a ‘Yes’

    • How do you know these people? When would be the best time to reach them?

    • What’s their spouse’s name? Do they have kids?

    • It’s a lot easier when people know I’m calling. Can you please text them a “heads up” to let them know?

    • Sample Text: Save in phone → Forward to customer → Have them forward to friends: “Hi! Just wanted to let you know that ______, my Cutco guy/girl, will be giving you a call. He/She is paying his/her way through college by showing Cutco. You don’t have to buy, just listen and he/she gets credit. Thought you would be nice enough to help! He/she is super sweet :-)”

Pro Tip:

  1. Use thought joggers to brainstorm: Friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, nice people,etc.

  2. “Mrs. __________, would you be willing to post tag me on Facebook / social media?”’s a easy way for people to find me if they are looking for Cutco

  3. ...and it helps me learn social media & and online marketing skills

Hints On Getting More Recommendations

  • Ideas for the customer: Address book, cell phone, directory

  • Thought joggers: Friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Lookers, not buyers!

  • Who do you know who...? Loves to cook, has a lot of kids, BBQ’s, etc...

  • Have Fun / Make them laugh: “Can you jot down your top 100-200 friends? Just kidding, 10-20 is perfect!”

  • Thank your Customer and ask for more! “Thank you so much _______, you have no idea how much

  • this helps me out! If you can give me ___ more, you’ll become a (sponsor / double sponsor)!

  • Out of town Demos! Don’t forget to ask for out of town recommendations!

Handling Recommendations Concerns

I’ll Email Them to You Later

That would be awesome (Name) ! I appreciate you wanting to help me. However, I know you're REALLY BUSY & I’d hate to have to call you while you’re with family or at work. And, without referrals, I can’t do any more demos. BTW as a reminder, they don’t have to buy ANYTHING. So, if we could start with 1-2 off the top of your head now, and then send me the rest later it would really help me out. So, who are 1-2 people that you think are nice?

Don’t Know That Many People

It’s totally fine, especially since I get paid just to show it to them, even a few REALLY helps! So, let’s just start with a couple and we can come up with more later! So how about your... (thought joggers)

Don’t Like to Give Out People’s Names

I don’t blame you! If it were somebody else giving them a call besides me, I would be hesitant too. But I promise it will just be me so... ASK AGAIN.

Leave the Sheet With Me to Fill Out / I’ll email them to you later

(Although most customers mean well, it is extremely unlikely that they will send you referrals later)

Sure no problem, however since I know you’re so busy, I’d hate to ask you to work on this while you’re running your house, at work, or taking care of your kids. Can we come up with 1-2 right now and we can get the rest later? How about your ... (Offer thought jogger)

Let Me Call Them First and Get Back to You

Of course! I wouldn’t want to see them if they aren’t interested. To make it easier, go ahead and jot down their names and numbers and I will follow up with you tomorrow and you can let me know who it’s okay to call and who to cross off the list. OR Perfect! Could we call a couple of them now and see what they say before I leave?

Last Resort...

Ask Again and Smile!