Collaboration – Understanding – Innovation

Leveraging the power of place to expand the impact of our work


The Spatial Analysis Studio at Virginia Commonwealth University provides resources to train and support geospatial data development, visualization and analysis. 


The SAS’s mission is to provide resources to our community, researchers, staff and students, to expand the breadth and impact of traditional research, teaching and workflow methods.  We do this using data and analysis to explore and understand the role, and impact, place and the environment has in your research and teaching.   The SAS strives to spark innovative research, empower collaborative solutions, and have a lasting impact on our community. 

About Us

Principal Investigators, Jennifer Ciminelli and Cathy Viverette, Ph.D., work to foster inter- and trans- disciplinary collaborations.  Our research projects include internally and externally funded grant projects, as well as collaborative independent study opportunities which provide experiential learning opportunities.  

Visit our research page to learn more about our team, partners, grants and projects.

Interested in learning more or want to connect?  We are too!  Email us at and