
My research is in homological algebra, Hopf algebras, and representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras. 

In particular, I study various cohomology structures and their properties: finite generation of cohomology ring, Gerstenhaber structure of Hochschild cohomology, stable cohomology rings of finite-dimensional (Hopf) algebras and related algebraic objects; classification of Hopf algebras (over a field of positive characteristic), Hopf actions on algebras, as well as some homological conjectures in representation theory and commutative algebra.

Recently, I am also interested in questions related to other algebraic objects (for examples, artin algebras, Lie algebras, Gorenstein rings, quivers, preprojective algebras,...) and their module categories. The chart below briefly summarizes some of my current research projects and interests. If you are interested in continuing any of the work here, or starting a new collaboration, please feel free to contact me!

My research is currently supported by NSF DMS-2201146 Grant Award. 

An overall picture of my research topics
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Publications and Preprints:

Also see my arXiv Listings and my Google Scholar page. 

Published and Accepted Articles:

Submitted Preprints:

In Preparation: 

Recent Talks: