제한없는 임의 시공간에서 취득한 영상으로부터 완전한 얼굴 복원
Total Reconstruction of Faces from Images Captured under Unconstrained and Arbitrary Space-Time
(2019.03 ~ 2024.02)
본 과제에서는 제한되지 않은 임의의 시공간 환경에서 취득된 일반적인 얼굴 영상으로부터의 완전한 얼굴 정보를 복원하고 미래의 정보를 예측하는 것을 목표로 함
Funded by National Research Foundation (한국연구재단 중견연구자지원사업)
다중 스테레오 카메라 보정 및 깊이영상 추정기법 개발
Multi-view stereo camera calibration and depth estimation
(2022.07 ~ 2023.12)
본 과제에서는 다중 스테레오 카메라의 보정과 정밀한 깊이 영상 취득을 목표로 함
Funded by Vatech (주식회사 바텍 산학협력과제)
시공간 제한 없는 비디오에서 다중 휴먼 3차원 형상, 자세, 동작 복원 및 예측
Holistic Multi-Human Reconstruction and Prediction from Videos with Unconstrained Space-Time
(2019.06 ~ 2022.09)
CCTV, 스마트폰, 유튜브 비디오, 고전 영화 등 제한 없는 환경에서 취득한 일상생활의 임의의 비디오에 존재하는 다수의 휴먼 객체의 형상(shape), 자세(pose), 동작(motion)을 시공간 일관성 있게 정확히 추정하고 심층신경망 학습을 통해 미래의 동작과 비디오를 예측
Funded by Samsung Research Funding & Incubation Center for Future Technology (삼성미래기술육성사업)
스마트기기를 위한 온디바이스 지능형 정보처리 가속화 SW플랫폼 기술 개발
Development of Acceleration SW Platform Technology for On-device Intelligent Information Processing on Smart Devices
(2017.03 ~ 2021.12)
Embedded GPU를 장착한 스마트 기기에서 양안 스테레오, 다중뷰 스테레오, 비디오 등의 입력 영상으로부터 3차원 장면 정보를 고속 추출하고 이를 모바일 증강현실에 응용하기 위한 OpenCL 라이브러리 구축
Funded by Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion (IITP) (정보통신기획평가원 정보통신·방송연구개발사업, 주관연구기관: 한국전자통신연구원)
온디바이스 공간 정보처리 가속 라이브러리 cross reference (양안 스테레오 정합 / 멀티뷰 스테레오 정합 / 라이트필드 생성 및 정합 / 신경망 기반 멀티뷰 깊이 추정 / 차폐인지 증강현실 어플리케이션)
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(기술 이전을 희망하는 기업은 032-860-9190로 연락 부탁드립니다)
라이트 필드 기반의 초시공간 360도 영상 취득 및 처리 기술
Light Field based Time-Space Transcendence 360 Video Reconstruction and Processing
(2017.12 ~ 2020.11)
다양한 종류의 2차원 영상 데이터로부터 광대한 스케일의 시간(1차원)과 공간(3차원)을 자유롭게 거닐 수 있는 4차원 Light Field 영상 데이터를 구성하여 증강현실 및 가상세계에서 사실적인 시각적 재현이 가능한 기술을 확보한다.
Funded by Samsung Research Funding & Incubation Center for Future Technology
Computational Image Reconstruction on 4D Light Field
(2016.06 ~ 2019.05)
We will address the problem of computational image reconstruction (deblurring, layer separation, superresolution, dehazing, etc) on 4D light fields.
Funded by National Research Foundation (미래창조과학부 중견연구자지원사업)
Image-Based Human Modeling for Augmented Reality
(2017.03 ~ 2018.04)
Image-based face, body, hair modeling for AR and VR
Funded by CoAsia Korea
Mobile Augmented Reality
(2016.07 ~ 2017.06)
Video augmented reality (AR) based on RGBD visual SLAM
Funded by SK Telecom
Light Field Image Acquisition, Processing, and Understanding
(2013.12 ~ 2016.11)
Developing 4D light field acquisition and processing algorithms which overcome the limitation of conventional imaging
Funded by National Research Foundation (미래창조과학부 중견연구자지원사업)
3D Scene Reconstruction Using Car Blackbox Images
(2013.9 ~ 2016.8)
3D scene reconstruction using car blackbox images for analyzing car accident
Funded by The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (미래창조과학부 디지털콘텐츠원천기술개발사업)
Mobile CPU-GPU Fusion Processor
(2012.6 ~ 2015.5)
Developing image processing framework on handheld GPU using OpenGL ES
Funded by The Ministry of Knowledge Economy (지식경제부 산업융합원천기술개발사업)
GPU Parallel Energy Minimization on Massive Graphical Models
(2012.5 ~ 2015.4)
Global optimization using graph cuts using massive GPU parallel computing and its application to 3D TV (stereo images)
Funded by National Research Foundation (교육과학기술부 일반연구자지원사업)
Low-Power Superresolution on Embedded GPU
(2013.07 ~ 2014.07)
Funded by LG Electronics (LG전자)
Content-Based 3D Model Retrieval in Mobile Environment
(2012.10 ~ 2013.6)
Developing 3D shape retrieval algorithm using noisy and partial 3D depth image
Funded by The Ministry of Knowledge Economy (지식경제부) and NHN Corporation
Image Quality Enhancement for Smartphone
(2013.5 ~ 2013.10)
Developing fast and robust image processing algorithms for Galaxy S and Galaxy Note series
Funded by Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)
Real-Time Feature Extraction and Tracking on the GPU
(2012.5 ~ 2012.8)
Real time SURF feature extraction and tracking (for shape from motion) using CUDA on the GPU
Funded by Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI)
Media Retargeting for Stereoscopic Video
(2011.10 ~ 2012.8)
Developing content-adaptive image resizing algorithm for stereoscopic images and videos
Funded by The Ministry of Knowledge Economy (지식경제부) and LG Electronics (LG전자)
Multiview Inverse Motion Photography
(2009.5 ~ 2012.6)
Multiview motion deblurring and its application to 3D reconstruction
Funded by National Research Foundation (교육과학기술부 기초연구과제)
Video Summarization and 3D Effect for Smartphone
(2011.4 ~ 2012.1)
Developing video summarizatioin and 3D transition algorithms for brand-new Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab
Funded by Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)
Realistic Broadcasting Research Center
3D video acquisition, transmission, and rendering
Funded by The Ministry of Knowledge Economy (대학IT연구센터(ITRC))
High Dynamic Range Video
(2008.9 ~ 2011.8)
Interdisciplinary research of image processing, vision, communication technologies for acquisition and processing of high dynamic range video
Funded by Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (한국연구재단 특정기초연구지원사업)
Machine Vision Inspection Using GPU Parallel Computing
(2011.04 ~ 2011.8)
Parallelizing LCD panel inspection algorithm on the GPU
Funded by LG Electronics (LG전자)
3D Shape Acquisition on a Smartphone
(2010.12 ~ 2011.7)
Developing photometric stereo algorithm using mobile phone's camera and flash
Funded by The Ministry of Knowledge Economy (지식경제부) and Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)
Accelerating Computer Vision Algorithms on Handheld GPU
(2010.7 ~ 2010.12)
Developing stereo matching and feature detection algorithms on PowerVR SGX 540 for Samsung Galaxy S
Funded by Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)
Automatic 3D face modeling on a smartphone
(2010.4 ~ 2010.11)
Developing 3D face modeling algorithm using 2 views captured by and processed on a Samsung's Bada smartphone
Funded by Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)
3D Shape Reconstruction by Multi-View Stereo (MVS)
Multiresolution volumetric/surfel modeling and rending using multiple views on the GPU
Funded by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (IT 원천기술개발사업)
Computational Photography (Mobile Photo Collage)
(2009.5 ~ 2009.11)
Automatic collage generation on the mobile handset (Samsung Omnia II)
Funded by Samsung Electronics (삼성전자)
Computational Motion Photography
Interactive motion depiction using efficient user interface
Funded by Korean Research Foundation (학술진흥재단 신진교수연구과제)
3D Pose Estimation on the GPU
(2007.1 ~ 2008.2)
Jointly Funded by Inha University, Korea Research Foundation (학술진흥재단 국제공동연구지원), and Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)
Performed during 1-year visiting research at MERL
Digital actor and 3-D avatar creation
(2005.5 ~ 2007.4)
Automatic and UI-assisted parametric 3-D face modeling and animation
Funded by Korean Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy (산업자원부 지역산업 기술혁신사업)
GPU-based image processing library
(2006.3 ~ 2006.11)
Design and development of image processing framework based on GPU and programmable shader
Funded by Samsung Electronics (삼성전자 위탁연구과제)
Multiresolution processing of 3-D video
Multiresolution rendering of image-based and model-based 3-D video sequence
Funded by Korea Research Foundation (학술진흥재단 신진교수연구과제)
Image-based 3-D surface modeling
(2005.6 ~ 2005.12)
NURBS surface construction from matched curves in multiple calibrated images
Funded by Korean Ministry of Information and Communication (전자통신연구원 위탁연구과제)
3-D shape description and database retrieval
Collaboration with Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology and Seoul National University
Proposed to and adopted by MPEG-7 Visual Ver.3
Image-based modeling and rendering
Collaboration with Graphics and Media Lab. in Moscow State University
Proposed and adopted as an international standard in MPEG-4 AFX (Animation Framework eXtension)
3-D photorealistic face modeling
Collaboration with Graphics and Media Lab. in Moscow State University
Visual Computing and Learning Lab (VCL Lab)
Office : Hitech Center 509, Inha-ro 100, Nam-gu, INCHEON 22212, KOREA.
Students' office and laboratory : Hitech Center 526
Phone : 032-860-9190 (H509)
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