

The main research fields of VCL Lab include <3D reconstruction, light field, image processing, graphics>

Currently, we have 3 Ph.D. student, 5 M.S./Ph.D. integrated students, and 3 M.S. students.

We are seeking new members at various levels including graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. 

Latest News

석박사통합과정 김수진, 2024 석사과정생 연구장려금 지원사업 선정

연구실 석박사통합과정 김수진 학생의 "확장 현실을 위한 Egocentric 비디오의 품질 향상"이 한국연구재단(NRF) 석사과정생 연구장려금 지원사업에 최종 선정되었습니다. 축하합니다.

Sponsorship & Partnership

Visual Computing and Learning Lab (VCL Lab)

Office : Hitech Center 509, Inha-ro 100, Nam-gu, INCHEON 22212, KOREA.

Students' office and laboratory : Hitech Center 526 

Phone : 032-860-9190 (H509) 

Email : pik@inha.ac.kr