Valentina G Bruno

Professor of Finance

Arlene R. and Robert P. Kogod Eminent Scholar Chair in Finance 

Chair of the Department of Finance and Real Estate

Faculty Research Fellow, Center for Policy Research (CEPR)

Faculty Research Member, European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)

Kogod School of Business, American University, Washington DC 


Curriculum Vitae

Google Scholar 


"Dollar and Exports" Review of Financial Studies, August 2023 Lead Article - Editor's Choice

Runner Up Award for the best paper published in the RFS in 2023 

VoxEU column, Paper and Video

Dollar Beta and Stock Returns available at Oxford Open Economics, Volume 1, 2022.

Coverage in the Financial Times, July 2023


Updated paper! Original Sin Redux: Role of Duration Risk

Coverage in the Financial Times, August 2023 and and Financial Times (2) February 2024

To Comply or Not to Comply? Some thoughts here: Wall Street Journal

My work highlighted in a report submitted to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors , July 2022, Bali