Meet Your SGA

S. S. 


A little bit about me is that I love figure skating during all seasons of the year. I love all animals, I also really love Marvel Loki, Bucky, Wanda, and Spiderman are some of my favorite characters. My favorite movies/shows are most MCU movies (and shows), The Notebook, and the Percy Jackson series!

James S.

Vice President

This is my fourth and final year at VAVA. 

After high school I plan on going to George Mason University to study Kinesiology.

Nashmia J.


Hi!! My name is Nashmia Jaharan and I live in Fairfax County. I love playing soccer and basketball, enjoy reading, baking, and painting, and can crack a good "ur mum" joke at any given moment :P. My favorite classes this year so far have been Physics with Mr. Mullins (he's phenomenal :D), Chemistry with Mrs. Pogue (she's hilarious!), and AP Lang with Mrs. Facterman (she's speshel <3). 

After school, I want to go to college and get a degree in computer science and maybe even aerospace engineering in the future :)

Haneen A.


Hi! I'm Haneen and I'm the SGA treasurer this year! 

I live in Fairfax County and I enjoy reading, cooking, and making/designing things! My favorite subject is algebra and my favorite colors are brown and green. 

After high school, I plan to pursue a career in design!

Avery D. 

12th Grade Rep

Hi!! I’m Avery, one of your 12th grade reps :))

This is my 5th and final year with VAVA as an early graduate, and it’s been a wonderful experience.

I was previously a competitive showjumper but now just prefer pilates and a good book :-)

I look forward to graduating and pursuing a career in nursing!

Much love,

Avery 🩷

Kinley R. 

12th Grade Rep

Hello! My name is Kinley (as you can see, it is written largely above this text). I enjoy art of many mediums: I sketch, ink, paint acrylics, paint miniatures, watercolor, and even enjoy to carve stone. Other than that, my hobbies include playing a few musical instruments, writing, reading, and playing nerdy games (namely, D&D and MtG). 

I’ve moved around a lot because of the military, so I’ve been to some pretty interesting places! My goal after highschool is to move out west and get an apartment with my brother, attending college with him. I hope to major in psychology and behavioral science!

Kathryn B.

11th Grade Rep

Hi! My name is Kathryn but you can call me Katie! :D

I live in Loudoun County and I have a cat named Francis. I play volleyball, sew, and I am the vice president for a 4-H club this year. :) My favorite subject here at VAVA this year is Honors Chemistry with Mr. Mullins! 

After high school I am going to go to college to become an aerospace engineer! :D

Hannah W.

11th Grade Rep

Hello! My name is Hannah Woodard. I am one of the 11th Grade Representatives this year at VAVA HS SGA. This is my second year being enrolled as a VAVA student. I live in Lee County. I love the outdoors, soccer, animals, and competing in pageants. 

I plan to go to college to be a general surgeon here in my small town.

Hannah B.

11th Grade Rep

Hi, I'm Hannah B, I'm in 11th grade. My favorite subject is AP Language (but not when I have to do grammar) and my favorite color is dark green (or really any other fall color). In my spare time I dance five days a week, read fantasy novels, and watch Studio Ghibli movies. I was a member of SGA last year as well as throughout my time in brick-and-mortar and I have always loved it. I love everyone in SGA so much and can't wait to continue working with everyone to make VAVA an even better community. :)

Madalyn C.

10th Grade Rep

My name is Madalyn Cassise, I’m a military child. I’ve been at close to 10 schools my entire life. My favorite class at VAVA so far is my Chemistry class with Mr. Mullins. I play drums in my free time, and I’ve taken a huge liking to reading in the last couple years. 

After high school I would like to attend Yale University for business, and then open my own bakery with said degree.

Muram E.

10th Grade Rep

Hello, my name is Muram, although most people simply call me "asleep." Aside from sleeping, I enjoy reading, drawing, and cooking and baking—but don't blame me if everything ends up half-burned. I've been at VAVA for three years, and while my sleep schedule hasn't changed much but that doesn't matter because I'm still passing my classes thankfully.

It's boring where I live in Fairfax County, but at least I can travel to Washington whenever I want.

Radwa A.  

10th Grade Rep

Rain L.

9th Grade Rep

I really like tv editing and posting them on youtube!! 

(RxiinyEdxts, 100% not a self promo)

Nathaniel H. 

9th Grade Rep

I'm a half Japanese, half white kid that enjoys both American and Japanese cultures. This is my second year in SGA, and it's really fun! I look forward to making the school environment more social. I enjoy making music, reading, and nature. My favorite color is deep aquamarine, and my favorite music artist is Yoasobi. My favorite class was and forever will be Civics, thanks to Ms. Williams. 

I aspire to be involved in politics in the future.

Bushra S. 

9th Grade Rep

Heyy!! My name is Bushra, but I usually introduce myself as Sid. I'm a Middle Eastern Persian kid who loves art, baking, and ice skating (even though I've never done it before lolz.) My favorite subjects are biology and geometry because Mrs. Owens and Mr. Board are the best. 

After high school, I hope to get into MIT or Stanford so I can pursue my software development or maybe cyber security career. I also hope to start a successful business in the future. (I have lots of ideas >:D)