Student Advisory Council


As of August 2022:

  • Nothing yet; elections will be held soon!

  • Primary representatives, make sure to turn in the necessary forms and to share your contact information with your advisory's alternative representative!

What is Student Advisory Council?

The Student Advisory Council serves as the elected student government at Vaughn International Studies Academy. The Student Advisory Council follows the republican system of government, consisting of elected officials from each advisory class. SAC should not be confused with ASB (Associated Student Body) and Student Court; SAC deals with the politics, policies, and regulations set forth by VISA students.

What is the Purpose of The Student Advisory Council?

Students represent and voice the concerns, ideas, questions, wants, and needs of their colleagues and peers in a formally organized political forum, run by the students for the students. Students have expressed their desire to play a more proactive role in policy-making at VISA, and the Student Advisory Council provides an opportunity for students to feel a true sense of ownership about the future of VISA.