
These are just compilations to understand or document the methodology used for various research and academic topics. (links available with the titles)

Interactions of Liquid Jets

Sanjay V., "Understanding of Mutual Interactions between Liquid Jets: Sheet Formation" - Talk given at the Physics of Fluids group, University of Twente, Enschede in the Netherlands.[Presentation]

Sanjay V., "Understanding of Mutual Interactions between Liquid Jets: Entrainment and Sheet Formation" - Thesis progress evaluation presentation for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25029.55521 [Presentation] [Report]

Sanjay V., "Studies on interaction between interfaces : Dynamic – Dynamic & Dynamic - Static" - Seminar talk at Cognizance 2017: the technical festival of Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.

Sanjay V., "On the air entrainment in a water pool by impingement of jet" - Seminar talk at Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics Laboratory - LMFA UMR 5509, Lyon, France. [Presentation]

Academic Requirements

Sanjay V., "Understanding of Coupled Micro-Macro Models for Multi-scale Phenomenon" - Seminar presentation for fulfillment of coursework before confirmation as master's student. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30974.08005 [Report]

Sanjay V., Arpit, "Investigation of Jet Atomization - A Multi-Scale Numerical Study" - his presentation is compiled for the academic class work project of the subject: Gas Turbines and Compressors. [Presentation][Report]

Sanjay V., Prarthana N., Agarwal Y., "WIND ENERGY: Application of aerofoils in windmill blades" - This presentation is compiled for the academic class work project of the subject: Power Plant.


Sanjay V., Deep A., "A lecture on Image Analysis Using MATLAB".

Sanjay V., Deep A., Das A. K., "Image Analysis Using MATLAB" - This file contains all the techniques employed during image analysis, including contour tracking, finding centroid and projected area calculation, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4553.9920.

Sanjay V., Das A. K., "Gerris Particle Installation Steps" - This file contains all the steps necessary for the installation for Gerris Particle with Gfsview.