
Applied Scientist Intern at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Palo Alto, CA

  • Mentor: Anima Anandkumar, AWS AI team
  • Project: Action Recognition on Compressed Videos
  • Description: Designed and evaluated algorithms to perform video encoding based action recognition using a combination of 3D CNNs and LSTMs on compressed videos for UCF101 and Charades dataset.

Applied Scientist Intern at Amazon, Austin, TX

  • Mentor: Ali Jalali, Mobile Homepage Personalization Team
  • Project: Personalized recommendations using passive-aggressive algorithms
  • Description: Improved the ranking of products on the mobile Amazon homepage for users by implementing passive-aggressive algorithms and a random forest ensemble learning to achieve improvements of 3 % and 5 % respectively.

Research Intern at Technicolor Research Bay Area, Los Altos, CA

  • Mentors: Nikhil Rao, Weicong Ding, Machine Learning Team
  • Project: Higher Order Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems
  • Description: Designed an algorithm to make use of implicit higher order information for predicting unobserved entries in a ratings matrix. Achieved improvements for MovieLens, FilmTrust and Gene datasets using the NDCG and MAP metrics.

Research Intern at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

  • Mentor: Alexandre Proutiere
  • Project: Minimizing System Backlog in Wireless Networks using Restless Bandits
  • Description: Modeled the downlink scheduling in wireless networks as a Restless Bandit Problem. Derived the existence of Whittles index criteria for the problem of minimizing system backlog with delayed queue state information.