Crusaders of the Orient Saga

The "Crusaders of the Orient Saga" is a series of four historical novels set in the Captaincy General of the Philippines across four different centuries. The novels of the series tell the story of ordinary indios (modern-day Filipinos) who strive to make the most of their lives and the realities of the era.

Overviews of the other 3 novels can be found below:

BELLS AND INCENSE - This novel is about the journey of a Samareño in the 17th century. He leaves his island in the Visayas because of the lurking pirates and slave raiders and arrives in Spanish-controlled Manila: a prospering city of trade and a coveted target of the Dutch Colonial Empire. After losing the only stable employment he could secure as an assistant to the majordomo of a prominent family, his adventure continues as he is conscripted to defend the ever-loyal city.

THE GOVERNOR'S HOUNDS - Set in the late 1700s, this novel is about a family that works for José Basco y Vargas. Basco, the 53rd governor-general of the Philippines, develops the tobacco industry of the colony. The family learns how to make the most of their life as the household of their powerful employer gets mired in controversy, insecurity, and disillusionment.

BASILICA BAKERS - This novel tells the story of a company of bakers in the 1800s who helped feed hundreds of masons tasked with rebuilding the Minor Basilica of St. Martin of Tours, the largest Catholic church in Asia, located in the Province of Taal. The bakers grapple with sustaining their business or succumbing to those in power abusing the charitable actions demanded by their vocation among other problems of their time.