Vasiliki Liontou

 Fall Semester Postdoc, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics

Brown University 


Email(s): vasiliki.liontou[at]


Office:  Room 1018, 121 S Main St,                       Providence, RI 02903

Find more about my research in :

Google Scholar and ResearchGate

In Spring 2024, I will be a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematics of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, mentored by Prof. Giovanna Citti and Prof. Nicola Arcozzi.  

During Fall 2023, I was a Semester Postdoc in ICERM, Brown University under the program "Math + Neuroscience: Strengthening the Interplay Between Theory and Mathematics".

I obtained my Ph.D from the Department of Mathematics at University of Toronto in August 2023, under the supervision of Prof. Matilde Marcolli and Prof. Boris Khesin.  

During winter terms of 2022 & 2023, I was a Visiting Student Researcher in the The Division of Physics,Mathematics and Astronomy of California Institute of Technology.

My research interests are:

Publications and Preprints


Selected Awards and Honors


A link for my thesis: 

Gabor Frames and Contact Geometry: From models of the primary visual cortex to higher dimensional signal analysis on manifolds