The purpose of VASGW is to serve as advocates for group counseling, model standards for professional and ethical practice, disseminate knowledge, and to provide leadership in the field of group work. In addition, the Association seeks to provide a forum for examining innovative practices and developing concepts in group work, to foster diversity and dignity in groups, provide opportunities for professional collaboration, and to be models of effective group practice.

VASGW’s charter was issued on April 14, 1976. Thirty-five Virginians successfully petitioned the Association of Specialists in Group Work at the American Personnel and Guidance Association conference in Chicago to grant a charter to a state division in Virginia.

End of Year Celebration

Front Row: Mary Armstrong, Halina Banas-Jones, Barbara Lavine, Irene Ward

Back Row: Ellissia Price-Fagin, Dr. Terri Mason, Anita Bruck, Mary Durgala

Not Pictured: Ellen Bowditch, Margarita Martinez and Marsha Evans

President: Dr. Terri Mason

Secretary: Halina Banas-Jones

Treasurer: Ellen Bowditch (not pictured)

Newsletter Editor: Ellissia Price-Fagin

VASGW Brochure-2020.pdf

Virginia Association for Specialists in Group Work


A Division of the Virginia Counseling Association

316 Hodges Cove Road, Yorktown, VA 23692 | Ph: 757.766.5466 | Fax: 757.766.5467 | vcaoffice@cox.net