Introducing students to the basic theoretical knowledge in the field of biology of microorganisms, particularly prokaryotes and prokaryotic viruses; introducing students to the basic techniques in microbiology and the methods used in working with microorganisms.

Understanding the structure and function of cellular and acellular microorganisms at a basic level; the ability to use the literature independently; understanding the basic methods used in the study of microorganisms; acquiring skills necessary for working in a microbiology laboratory.

Brock Biology Of Microorganisms (15th Edition) Download Pdf


Microbiology is the study of microorganisms and underpins many other areas of contemporary sciences such as medicine and biotechnology. This unit introduces the role of microorganisms in natural environments and disease and the ways they have been employed for practical benefits across the life sciences and industry. This unit will also provide students with insights into the molecular processes of the living cell, and help students understand the central concepts of molecular biology. Lectures will introduce students to the world of microbes, covering their cell structure and function, genetics and biodiversity, growth, and relevance to medicine, environmental and industrial processes. The hands-on laboratory sessions provide the students with essential skills and techniques used in general and molecular microbiology and demonstrate principles taught in the lectures. This unit will be excellent for students majoring in chemical and biomolecular sciences, biology, environmental sciences and medical sciences. be457b7860

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