
Feedback on my PeerJPrePrints is alway highly appreciated! You can also find my latest manuscripts including citation counts and additional resources on google scholar. Names with an asterisk (*) indicate equal contribution of coauthors.

Manuscripts currently im preparation or review

  • Conceicoa, Elbrecht, Hall, Briscoe, Barber-James, Price (in revision). Metabarcoding unsorted kick-samples facilitates macroinvertebrate-based biomonitoring with increased taxonomic resolution, while outperforming environmental DNA. bioRxiv [DOI]

  • Elbrecht, Bourlat, Hoerren, Lindner, Mordente, Noll, Sorg, Zizka (submitted). Pooling size sorted malaise trap fractions to maximise taxon recovery with metabarcoding. bioRxiv. [DOI]

  • Baloğlu, Chen, Elbrecht, Braukmann, MacDonald, Steinke (submitted). A workflow for accurate metabarcoding using nanopore MinION sequencing. bioRxiv. [DOI]

  • Leese, Sander, Buchner, Elbrecht, Haase, Zizka (submitted). Improved freshwater macroinvertebrate detection from eDNA through minimized non-target amplification. bioRxiv. [DOI]


  • Hempel, Peinert, Beermann, Elbrecht, Macher, Macher, Jacobs, Leese (2020). Using environmental DNA to monitor the reintroduction success of the Rhine sculpin (Cottus rhenanus) in a restored stream. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.[DOI]


  • Elbrecht, Braukmann, Ivanova, Prosser, Hajibabaei, Wright, Zakharov, Hebert, Steinke (2019). Validation of COI metabarcoding primers for terrestrial arthropods. PeerJ [DOI]

  • Lafage, Elbrecht, Cuff, Steinke, Hambäck, Erlandsson (2019). A new primer for metabarcoding of spider gut contents. Environmental DNA [DOI]

  • Blackman, Mächler, Altermatt, Arnold, Beja, Boets, Egeter, Elbrecht, Filipe, Jones, Macher, Majaneva, Martins, Múrria, Meissner, Pawlowski, Yanez, Zizka, Leese, Price, Deiner (2019). Advancing the use of molecular methods for routine freshwater macroinvertebrate biomonitoring–the need for calibration experiments. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics [DOI]

  • Zizka, Elbrecht, Macher, Leese (2019). Assessing the influence of sample tagging and library preparation on DNA metabarcoding. Molecular ecology resources [DOI]

  • Braukmann, Ivanova, Prosser, Elbrecht, Steinke, Ratnasingham, Waard, Sones, Zakharov, Hebert (2019). Metabarcoding a diverse arthropod mock community. Molecular ecology resources [DOI]

  • Gauthier, Konecny-Dupré, Nguyen, Elbrecht, Datry, Douady, Lefébure (2019). Enhancing DNA metabarcoding performance and applicability with bait capture enrichment and DNA from conservative ethanol. Molecular Ecology Resources [DOI]


  • Elbrecht, Steinke (2018). Scaling up DNA metabarcoding for freshwater macrozoobenthos monitoring. Freshwater Biology [DOI]

  • Beermann, Zizka, Elbrecht, Baranov, Leese (2018). DNA metabarcoding reveals the complex and hidden responses of chironomids to multiple stressors. Environmental Sciences Europe [PDF]

  • Nuy, Lange, Beermann, Jensen, Elbrecht, Röhl, Peršoh, Begerow, Leese, Boenigk (2018). Responses of stream microbes to multiple anthropogenic stressors in a mesocosm study. Science of The Total Environment [PDF]

  • Elbrecht, Hebert, Steinke (2018). Slippage of degenerate primers can cause variation in amplicon length. Scientific reports [PDF]

  • Elbrecht, Vamos, Steinke, Leese (2018). Estimating intraspecific genetic diversity from community DNA metabarcoding data. PeerJ [PDF]

  • Theissinger, Kästel, Elbrecht, Leese, BrühlUsing (2018). DNA metabarcoding for assessing chironomid diversity and community change in mosquito controlled temporary wetlands. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics [PDF]

  • Leese, Bouchez, Abarenkov, Altermatt, Borja, Bruce, Ekrem, Čiampor, Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Costa, Duarte, Elbrecht, Fontaneto, Franc, Geiger, Hering, Kahlert, Stroil, Kelly, Keskin, Liska, Mergen, Meissner, Pawlowski, Penev, Reyjol, Rotter, Steinke, van der Wal, Vitecek, Zimmermann, Weigand (2018). Why we need sustainable networks bridging countries, disciplines, cultures and generations for aquatic biomonitoring 2.0: a perspective derived from the DNAqua-Net COST action. Advances in Ecological Research [DOI]

  • Beermann, Elbrecht, Karnatz, Ma, Matthaei, Piggott, Leese (2018). Multiple-stressor effects on stream macroinvertebrate communities: A mesocosm experiment manipulating salinity, fine sediment and flow velocity. Science of the Total Environment [DOI]


  • Vamos*, Elbrecht*, Leese (2017). Short COI markers for freshwater macroinvertebrate metabarcoding. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics [PDF]

  • Elbrecht, Peinert, Leese (2017). Sorting things out - assessing effects of unequal specimen biomass on DNA metabarcoding. Ecology and Evolution. [PDF]

  • Elbrecht, Vamos, Meissner, Aroviita & Leese (2017). Assessing strengths and weaknesses of DNA metabarcoding‐based macroinvertebrate identification for routine stream monitoring. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. [PDF]

  • Elbrecht & Leese (2017). Validation and development of freshwater invertebrate metabarcoding COI primers for Environmental Impact Assessment. Frontiers in Freshwater Science. [PDF]

  • Röhl, Peršoh, Mittelbach, Elbrecht, Brachmann, Nuy, Boenigk, Leese & Begerow (2017). Distinct sensitivity of fungal freshwater guilds to water quality. Mycological Progress. [PDF]


  • Elbrecht & Leese (2016). PrimerMiner: an R package for development and in silico validation of DNA metabarcoding primers. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. [PDF]

  • Elbrecht, Taberlet, Dejean, Valentini, Usseglio-Polatera, Beisel, Coissac, Boyer & Leese (2016). Testing the potential of a ribosomal 16S marker for DNA metabarcoding of insects. PeerJ. [PDF]

  • Elbrecht, Beerman, Neumann, Goessler, Wlecklik, Tollrian, Piggott, Matthaei & Leese (2016). Multiple‐stressor effects on stream invertebrates: a mesocosm experiment manipulating nutrients, fine sediment and flow velocity. Freshwater Biology. [PDF]


  • Elbrecht & Leese (2015). Can DNA-Based Ecosystem Assessments Quantify Species Abundance? Testing Primer Bias and Biomass - Sequence Relationships with an Innovative Metabarcoding Protocol. PloS ONE. [PDF]

  • Elbrecht & Leese (2015). The mitochondrial genome of the Arizona Snowfly Mesocapnia arizonensis (Plecoptera, Capniidae). Mitochondrial DNA. [PDF]


  • Elbrecht, Feld, Gies, Hering, Sondermann, Tollrian & Leese (2014). Genetic diversity and dispersal potential of the stonefly Dinocras cephalotes in a central European low mountain range. Freshwater Sciences. [PDF]

  • Heckenhauer, Schweinsberg, Elbrecht, John, Tollrian & Lampert (2014). Isolation, characterization and cross amplification of eleven novel microsatellite loci for the hydrozoan coral Millepora. Conservation Genetics Resources. [PDF]


  • Elbrecht*, Poettker*, John & Leese (2013). The complete mitochondrial genome of the stonefly Dinocras cephalotes (Plecoptera, Perlidae). Mitochondrial DNA. [PDF]