Where I come from!

Hailing from the rural landscape of Ponnalamman Solai in Tamil Nadu, I'm a first-generation degree-holder turned nano-scientist with a Ph.D. journey that led me all the way from a remote village to the cutting-edge research in South Korea. I view education as more than a stepping stone; for me, it's a transformative force. It not only fueled my passion for physics but also became my tool for personal and communal upliftment.

Life has been a series of challenges, each met with unwavering focus and determination. Today, I'm not just a researcher but also blessed with soulmate and proud father. My journey has affirmed my belief in teamwork and collaboration, especially in cross-disciplinary research that pushes the boundaries of knowledge. I am ambitious, with a strong focus on the affordable commercialization of academic research. My goal is to transform this research into practical applications that address everyday needs, all while maintaining an eco-friendly approach.

But I'm not just about academics. I'm an active listener and a lifelong learner, with a keen interest in forging new relationships. Love to capture nature landscapes. Above all, my ultimate goal is to democratize education. I want to use my experiences to help students from underprivileged backgrounds, reinforcing that education is not a privilege, but a right.

Curious? Explore my work, let's connect, and together, let's create a world where education is a right for everyone and where transformative research benefits our Mother Earth.