Vanuatu Heaven On Earth

Vanuatu is an archipelago of around 80 small islands that extends 1300 kilometres, 65 of these are inhabitant. Various rushes of colonisers, each communicating in an alternate language, moved to the New Hebrides in the centuries going before European investigation in the eighteenth century. This settlement configuration speaks to the complex etymological variety found on the archipelago straight up until now. The British and French, who settled the New Hebrides in the nineteenth century, agreed in 1906 to an Anglo-French Condominium, which dealt with the islands until self-rule in 1980 when the new name of Vanuatu was received.

What is Vanuatu citizenship by investment?

Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment is a scheme through which one can get second citizenship of Vanuatu against investment in Vanuatu. Vanuatu Citizenship by investment program is started by Vanuatu government that awards qualifying investor applicants with the citizenship certificate and the passport, in the exchange of an investment for the economic prosperity of the country. Citizenship by investment program was launched in 2017, it is the only citizenship by investment program of its type in the south pacific hemisphere. It is also referred to as Vanuatu Development Support Program (VDSP), it's the fastest way to get the alternative citizenship by investment as the time span of this program is just 30 days.

Vanuatu's citizenship by investment program is not the cheapest option but it is one of the easiest way to get citizenship, with relatively few investor requirements. Owning a Vanuatu passport is particularly rewarding for private individuals looking for some peace and quiet.

Requirements to apply for Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment

There are couple of requirements to be fulfilled while applying for Vanuatu CBI program.

  • Must be over 25 and under 65 years of age while applying for the Vanuatu citizenship

  • Make a non refundable investment of 130,000$.

  • Applicant must have a clean criminal record.

  • The applicant has to show a bank statement of of atleast 250,000$.

  • The applicants from five nations Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and North Korea are not allowed to apply for this program unless they have a citizenship of some other country or they have resided in any other country for consecutive fire years.

Documents Required for Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment

Following documents are required to apply for Vanuatu citizenship by investment.

  • Complete citizenship application form

  • Attested copy of Passport

  • Attested copy of national identity card

  • Security clearance certificate from police

  • Applicant must pass the due diligence test

  • A marriage certificate, if married

  • Medical certificate proving your good health condition

  • Passport size photographs with blue background

  • A comprehensive resume showing your achievements, qualification and experiences.

Steps involved In Vanuatu Citizenship By Investment

STEP 1: Determine that you are eligible

Before getting a citizenship petition form, you will be informed either you are eligible to become a Vanuatu citizen or not. Upon eligibility, you will be notified and provided the correct application form depending on the kind of your eligibility.

STEP 2: Gather all required documents for each application form

Every application structure has an agenda which requires certain documentation that must be submitted along with your complete form. Giving the entirety of the necessary documentation will empower us to process your application quickly.

Your application will be returned to you if the necessary documents are not provided with your application.

STEP 3: Complete and lodge your application

Complete your application along with all the lawfully required archives. After housing of your application, you will pay the Application Fee(please refer to Citizenship Fees and Charges under Citizenship) preceding further preparing of your application.

STEP 4: Analysis of your application by subject officers

Your application will then be read by the subject officers and sent to the compliance officer for a second check to ensure that you:

1: are eligible to become a citizen;

2: completed your application form correctly; and

3: provide all required valid documents as per the checklist.

STEP 5: Evaluation of your application by the Citizenship Internal Screening Committee

Your concluded application form including all necessary documentation will then be sent to the Citizenship Internal Screening Committee for extra review to assure that you satisfy all the requirements prior to further processing.

STEP 6: Approval of your application by the Citizenship Commission

If the Internal Screening Committee is happy with your application, it will then forward it to the Citizenship Commission which is the body responsible for approving citizenship applications. Hence, the approval of your application holds with the Commission.

The Commission will suspend or reject your application if you fail to present a required and valid document or information or to provide some specific requirement.

STEP 7: Issuance of a letter regarding the declaration of the Commission on your application

After one week of the Commission’s meeting, you shall receive a letter from the Secretary-General Office concerning the decision of the Commission on your application.

Upon being instructed that the Commission has affirmed your application, you will likewise be prompted on the last prerequisites before the issuance of your citizenship endorsement, Such as:

1: Completion of an oath

2: Provide the correct spelling of your name to be printed on the certificate; and

iii. Payment of the citizenship fee

STEP 8: Completion of an oath

The completion of your oath can only be made if your application has been accepted. This requires you to get an oath form and the authorisation letter to the Commissioner of Oath from the Citizenship Office and complete it in the presence of a Commissioner of Oath.

Note that completion of the oath must be made in Vanuatu's court. This implies that a candidate who is located in Santo, for instance, can finish his oath in the court in Luganville. However, candidates who live in an outside nation can take the oath on video call

STEP 9: Payment of citizenship fee

Upon completion of your oath, you are finally required to pay your citizenship charge to empower the printing of your Vanuatu Citizenship Certificate.

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Why Choose Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program?

Fast Processing:

Vanuatu CBI Program has several advantages however the thirty days quickest process route is one in all the explanations why it's turning into an investor’s priority. Nobody likes to wait for months and years to attain a passport. Additionally, to attain a second passport, you'll continually choose a choice with minimum days of processing.

Global Mobility:

Being a Vanuatu Citizen, you are permitted to travel 125+ nations with no visa limitations. Investors invest such huge sums to achieve global mobility. In any case, this subsequent visa will permit residents and their families to move openly to numerous nations like Russia, the UK, Ireland, and Europe.

Dual Citizenship:

There are countries that demand to get rid of the present position before attaining an alternate passport. The Republic of Vanuatu permits the investors to stay twin citizenship, there's no need to drop your current citizenship. This way, investors will expand their businesses to both countries and acquire the most effective rewards on their investments

Instant Relocation:

People who belong to 3rd world countries typically seek a stronger citizenship possibility. As we know, such countries will get underneath fast economic crises, terrorist attacks, or any uninvited disaster. Additionally, having a second identification of a nation like Vanuatu consistently fills in as a Plan B if there should be an occurrence of any financial and climatic emergency. The Republic of Vanuatu is a neutral, culturally accepting state for the new folks.

Best Taxation Plans:

Living in a country where there is economic instability is always a No for people as they have to pay huge taxes on everything. Vanuatu offers a huge amount of tax relief and gives the best plans to the citizens for tax breaks. Similarly, there's no tax on world financial gain and capital gains.

Quality Lifestyle:

Most Importantly, Vanuatu appears to be a little land however offers incalculable opportunities to its residents. The country offers a high-quality living standard for the citizens as you are free to live, study, and work there. Being a Vanuatu resident, you can get access to the best educational institutes and healthcare facilities.