We have prepared an attractive pricing schema for your school or school district/campus.This discounted offer is valid also for other non-profit organizations.Educational Site License$2,499.95Monitor unlimited amount of computers owned

by one schoolAll computers must be located in one buildingUnlimited Admin ConsolesBuy NowSchool District License$5,999.95Monitor unlimited amount of computers in all schools

owned by one school districtAll computers must be located in one countryUnlimited Admin ConsolesBuy NowCloud Licenses - Monthly or Yearly SubscriptionMonitor and Control Computers over the InternetCloud license allows you to monitor your computers over the Internet or other Internet-connected networks.This is possible because the application uses our Cloud server. The license is subscription based.Cloud license can be also used on a local network (LAN, WLAN, VPN).Cloud license can be used in commercial or educational organizations.One Computer

Monthly Subscription$9.95/ monthMonitor one computer for one month using Cloud server

(Increase quantity to buy a license for more computers)Unlimited Admin ConsolesBuy NowOne Computer

Yearly Subscription$89.95/ yearMonitor one computer for one year using Cloud server

(Increase quantity to buy a license for more computers)Unlimited Admin ConsolesBuy NowNeed more information or assistance before proceeding with a purchase?Contact us and we will help or assist you.


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The accumulated dose reflects the amount of radiation that the worker has been exposed to and can alert an employer to any inappropriate exposure during the wear-period and can help determine if adjustments to work practices are required to protect employees from excess exposure.

Division 2 of the Regulation requires that employers ensure that all monitoring devices that are issued or installed are checked, maintained and calibrated in accordance with the EPA Guideline: Monitoring Devices (PDF 121KB).

The company replaced its reports with aggregated data measuring how much employees were sending email, collaborating on shared documents and taking part in group chats, in a way that was not traceable to individual users.

Demetriades found employers can use the governance and risk management tools in Office 365 to look at the content of emails or messages sent by specific employees and identify the activities that individual users have carried out using their work computer.

IT administrators can also use the administration centre in Microsoft Teams video conference, messaging and collaboration software to assess how long employees spend on calls, how many messages they exchange and how many one-to-one meetings they take part in.

Microsoft provides companies with aggregated data showing how employees across the organisation, or individual groups, are using Office 365 applications. It also provides them with a productivity score that shows how well employees are using Office 365 capabilities compared with similar companies.

But Demetriades and Privacy International argue there are no safeguards to protect employees from auditing tools being misused and Office 365 users are given no warning if companies choose to enable those tools.

Demetriades said Microsoft could do more to prevent employees being spied on by their employer, such as introducing a dedicated dashboard accessible to all employees that lists which productivity apps have been enabled or disabled and what data the organisation is collecting and under what circumstances.

Companies need to ensure that monitoring employees at work is proportionate, and if it is proportionate, whether they can justify collecting data on employees without informing them first, said IT lawyer Dai Davies.

For example, pharmaceutical companies ask employees for consent to use software to automatically screen their emails and social media to see whether rival companies are mentioned to ensure that employees do not accidently leak confidential information to a competitor.

The company also changed the interface of its software to make it clear the purpose of Productivity Score was to monitor the adoption of technology within the organisation rather than to monitor individual employees.

Effective October 26, 2023, employees who are reservists have a right to an unpaid leave of absence if they will not be performing the duties of their position because they are in treatment, recovery or rehabilitation for a physical or mental health illness, injury or medical emergency.

If an employee is deployed within Canada for a Canadian Forces operation related to handling an emergency or its aftermath, they do not need to meet any minimum employment requirements before taking leave.

In the event of mass termination, on the first day of the notice period the employer must provide the prescribed information in a form approved by the Director of Employment Standards to each of the affected employees.

The Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) was amended on April 29, 2021 to require employers to provide eligible employees with up to three days of paid infectious disease emergency leave for certain reasons related to COVID-19. The leave was retroactive to April 19, 2021 and ended on March 31, 2023. Eligible employers could have applied to be reimbursed for these payments through the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board within 120 days of the date the employer paid the employee, or by July 29, 2023 (whichever was earlier).

Employers that employ 25 or more employees on January 1 of any year must have a written policy on electronic monitoring in place by March 1 of that year. The employer must, within the specified timeframes, provide a copy of the policy to its employees and to assignment employees who are assigned to perform work for that employer.

Employers that employ 25 or more employees on January 1 of any year must have a written policy on disconnecting from work in place by March 1 of that year. They must provide a copy of that policy to employees. Disconnecting from work is defined in the ESA.

Employers are prohibited (with some exceptions), from entering into a non-compete agreement with an employee. Non-compete agreement is defined in the ESA. This prohibition does not apply to non-compete agreements entered into before October 25, 2021. 589ccfa754

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