I replaced my old hard drive with a new SSD, and didn't grab my old saves for MineCraft beforehand. The old hard drive is connected back into my computer as a secondary drive (D:) I haven't wiped it yet, so the saves should still be there, right?

Cody Littley's new hard drive can only hold a single kilobyte of data---about one millionth of what you can cram onto those finger-nail-sized microSD cards---and it can't exactly slide into the back of your smartphone. But it's still an impressive creation. Littley built it himself, inside the virtual world of Minecraft.

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Two such users have now revealed functioning hard drives built inside Minecraft that can read and write data. The first, created by Reddit and Imgur user smellystring can store 1KB of data, while a second, larger unit created by The0JJ can store 4KB of data.

Redstone can be ground into a dust and used to power redstone circuits, which replicate real-world circuits and can be used within Minecraft to power mechanisms like bridges, staircases, and, believe it or not, even transistors and diodes. Because redstone functions within the bounds of real-world logic -- a redstone signal can pass through a solid block but never a clear one made of glass -- players can utilize them to simulate even something as complex as a USB thumb drive. Computers, at their most fundamental level, are built on the foundations of mathematical logic, and the same goes for those in Minecraft as well.

In the case of a hard drive, redstone is used to power pistons that simulate the true and false values of binary, which are typically represented as 1 and 0 respectively. The creator of the 1KB drive explains via this animation:

Essentially, by rigging up a large number of these pistons to direct the redstone signals between solid and clear blocks in a loop, a user of the 1KB hard drive can store data in binary using solid blocks as a 1 and clear blocks as a 0. But what would that data even look like, and how would you get it into Minecraft?

That's an interesting question and it hasn't been explored quite yet. However, because Minecraft players' inventories are stored as data in the game with discernible sizes, players could feasible load something like a .txt file or even a music file if the hard drive was large enough and there was a way to convert the data into binary code.

"Data can be anything. It could be some text or a picture. You could, in theory, store the schematics for something. Internally, Minecraft stores the contents of your inventory with a little bit of data," wrote the user smellystring, a PhD student in computer science. "Any time you download a file from the Internet, you probably notice that there is a size in kilobytes or megabytes or gigabytes. This is data. Chose any file from the internet, as long as it is 1KB or smaller, and you could store it on this hard drive."

Smellystring also points out that to store the entirety of his virtual hard drive on another Minecraft hard drive, it would require 855 units rigged together, as the map size is 855KB. Storing the contents of his real life computer would take upwards of one billion units, the user posited.

In this Instructable, I will be showing you how you can change some simple settings in the Minecraft launcher so that all of your Minecraft data can be saved to a removeable USB drive. You may be wondering why anyone would want to do something like this, and the answer is simple. You may be on a school computer where you can't download files or access online games, Minecraft USB will run. You may be going to a friend's house and want to show Minecraft to them, just plug in the USB and you are ready to go. You may simply be wanting to play Minecraft on someone elses computer for whatever reason without leaving evidence that you did, Insert USB and have fun!

Ok, so you have now downloaded the Minecraft.exe file. Now, you should move that file to your USB drive. To do that, find the file that you downloaded and then drag it onto your usb drive folder. You should see that now there is a Minecraft.exe file on your USB drive. Double click that and you will be met with a "Downloading Runtime" Dialogue. This is normal, and will only take a few minutes to download. After it is downloaded, you will see "Setting Up Runtime" This is normal as well, and will likely take longer than downloading did. It may seem like nothing is going on, but just wait and trust me. I did not think anything was going on because it was taking so long to set up the runtime so I cancelled and corrupted the Minecraft file and had to re-download it.

Once the launcher is up and running, you may be asked to log in to your Minecraft account. Do this and you will now be met with a page similar to the one shown in the first picture. What you are going to want to do now is click the "Edit Profile" button that I have circled in the second picture. This will display a menu as shown in the third picture. There are a couple changes that we need to make in order for the launcher to know that we want the files stored on a USB drive instead of the default directory. The first thing we need to change is the Game Directory. This box will be unchecked by default, so you will need to check it and then you will need to enter into the box the drive name of your USB drive followed by :/.minecraft, such as I did in the fourth picture. The letter name of your drive will likely differ from mine because I have multiple drives in use at once. The next step that you will want to do is tell the launcher to use the Runtime that it set up in the directory of the USB drive. This step is not always necessary, but it is more reliable if you tick the box beside "Executable" Under the Java Settings area of the profile editor menu. The last thing we are going to want to change on this menu is the name of the profile. You can call this whatever you want, but I would recommend changing it to something with USB in the name so that you can tell it apart from other profiles that may be on your computer or on another computer you are using this USB drive on. After you have done all of this, click the Save profile button and you are ready to play.

Now, all you have to do is make sure that your USB profile is selected, and click the "Play" button. After this, you will be loading Minecraft straight from your USB drive! You can see in the third picture that all of your Minecraft files are saved to the USB drive, so you can play this from any computer without worrying about leaving files behind.

You need to transfer the world files off of the flash drive to ~/.minecraft/saves. ~, especially in Linux, is used to represent your home folder, where your Desktop, Documents, etc. are stored. This folder is usually /home/. Since .minecraft begins with ., it is a hidden folder, and will not appear in a file manager. To get around this, you have to either use a terminal (see here), or instruct your file manager to show hidden files (see here How to show hidden files in Nautilus 3.20.3 Ubuntu 16.10?. It looks a little different in newer versions, but you did not specify what version of Ubuntu you were using.).

This tutorial explains how to run Minecraft on a portable location (e.g. on a thumb drive). Portable installation is, an installation that is not "integrated" with the computer, which is useful for managing multiple installations and generally keeping things organised. This is useful if you want to retain your game data (launcher profiles, worlds, resource packs, etc.) when switching computers.

If you are not planning to play Minecraft on a thumb drive but on your main hard drive instead, it's highly recommended for you to make the game portable with this guide because this will give you some big advantages over standard installation. If you store different Minecraft versions (1.8, 1.12, modded 1.12, modded 1.7.10, latest, etc.) in one folder/launcher instance, mods/worlds/settings from other versions may conflict with version you are currently playing. If you want to separate them on standard installation, you will have to also keep each folder of each version in .minecraft directory and rename them every time you want to change version you are currently playing. On portable installation only a folder and launcher script file is needed to be created and after following this guide you can just play selected version just by double-clicking on its script file.

Note: After this guide the game will be only 99% portable: the game data will be stored and used by game and its launcher where you want but launcher will create .minecraft directory anyway and will be placing there (just only) its log files (like update logs, logs with game messages and crashes, etc.) If you really care about it, you can combine this guide with the guide for the old launcher: the game will create .minecraft directory if it doesn't exist anyway but will just leave it empty[unverified].

Navigate to the portable drive in the file explorer, and create the D:\Games\PortableMinecraft\ directory. Next, create Launcher folder for launcher with its data and MyMinecraft folder (or another name of your choosing) for game data.

If you have existing game data, you can move it to the desired directory. Navigate to the .minecraft folder and copy all of its contents (but not the folder itself) into D:\Games\PortableMinecraft\MyMinecraft.

Note: The following tutorial assumes that the USB disk is located (and mounted) at /media/user/USBDisk, and that you would like to have portable Minecraft at /media/user/USBDisk/minecraft-portable. However, this guide can be used to install the game to any directory. When following this guide, replace this directory with the directory you actually want to install the game to.

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