Mil Mscaras has never been unmasked in the ring, and like most masked luchadores, he goes to great lengths to conceal his true appearance and personal life. He has two brothers who wrestled, Dos Caras and Sicodlico. He has two sons and two daughters with his first wife, who died in 1975, and two daughters with his second wife, whom he married in 1995. His nephews are Alberto Del Rio (also known as Dos Caras Jr., El Hijo de Dos Caras, and Alberto El Patrn); the current El Hijo de Dos Caras; Sicodlico Jr.; and Hijo Del Sicodelico.

Sexy star is one of the main wrestlers in lucha underground, she is an inspiration to other females! Sexy star is one of the best wrestlers in lucha underground, she constantly wrestles in male vs female equality matches. A fan favourite luchador, she has done some great things in lucha underground like unmasking superfly and feuding with both superfly and Pentagon JR. A few weeks ago Sexy star and Pentagon JR were in a great submission match including a superfly heel turn and a win for Pentagon. Also Sexy star has a great record of winning mask vs Something matches going 3-0, first was a mask vs hair in late 2009 against Faby Apache, second was another mask vs hair in early 2012 against Pimpinella Escarlata and the final one was just a few months ago in lucha underground! She was against great friend Superfly and Sexy star would win.

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