Teacher SOS. Don't Just Exist. Live.

Welcome to teacher SOS where I will be giving you some simple strategies to get you through your first (or any) year of teaching. As teachers, not only do we want to show up our best for our students every day, but they also deserve it. But how is it that we can give them 100% when in fact we don’t have 100% to give? This is one of the many reasons that we need to be taking action to improve upon our health and happiness. Finding time to take care of yourself is extremely important - it allows you to continue to show up to your classroom day after day and engage, motivate and inspire. In these pages you will learn how to access your happiness, healthy meal planning, simple meditation (even for beginners), as well as yoga for yourself and your students.

In yourself you hold the future. The lives that you impact as a teacher will go on to impact hundreds more people, who will impact hundreds more. Ultimately these people will make decisions and take actions, creating the future for everyone. I believe this is reason enough to work to be your best self everyday. Happy creating.