WideProtect Privacy Policy

EFFECTIVE DATE: June 20, 2017

In this Privacy Policy, we describe how we collect, use, and disclose information that we obtain about users of application.

Access to Contacts on device

In case if you give us access to Contacts on your iPhone, we collect phone numbers only, and use it only locally on the device, to exclude these phone numbers from blocking list we generated. This information is never sent outside the device.

SMS filtering

In case if you enable WideProtect SMS filtering, we use sender number and message text only locally on the device, trying to recognize keywords, you defined, and compare sender number with prefixes, you defined. This information is never sent outside the device.

Automatically collected information

We use third-party analytics framework to understand user's characteristics such as:

  • languages, to localize the app;

  • countries, to do marketing campaigns;

  • iOS versions and device types, to improve support of them

This information is collected impersonally. We don't track device IDs or user IDs.

Contact Us

If you have questions about the privacy aspects or would like to make a complaint, please contact us: vandrusik@gmail.com