
Welcome to the Visual Anomaly and Novelty Detection (VAND) 2023 Challenge! This year our challenge aims to bring visual anomaly detection closer to industrial visual inspection, which has wide real-world applications. We look forward to participation from both academia and industry.

For industrial visual inspection, the majority of previous methods focus on training a specific model for each category given a large number of normal images as reference. However, in real-world scenarios, there are millions of industrial products and it is not cost-effective to collect a large training set for each object and deploy different models for different categories. In fact, building cold-start models, models trained with zero or few normal images, is essential in many cases as defects are rare with a wide range of variations.

Building a single model that can be rapidly adapted to numerous categories without or with only a handful of normal reference images is an ideal solution and an open challenge to the community. To encourage the research in this direction, we propose two relevant tracks:

Note that in both tracks, there will be no training examples of defective examples. We will have two phases and each phase has different test datasets. The first phase aims to kick-start research and development for the given tasks with public datasets. The second phase will release a new test set and we will announce winners according to the results in phase 2.

Feasibility Study and Clarification on Zero-shot Track

To verify the feasibility of zero-shot anomaly detection, we have conducted a pioneer study in WinCLIP: Zero-/Few-Shot Anomaly Classification and Segmentation, CVPR 2023. With textual prompt engineering, OpenCLIP pre-trained on LAION-400M yields promising language-guided zero-shot performance for visual inspection on MVTec-AD dataset, e.g. 91.8% AUROC for classification and 85.1% pAUROC for segmentation without any fine-tuning. This indicates that OpenCLIP has learned image-text alignment for concepts in visual inspection, which provides a powerful pre-trained representation to solve the challenging and practical zero-shot anomaly detect.

In the zero-shot anomaly detection track, any public pre-trained models and pre-training/fine-tuning using external dataset without test data (e.g. any MVTec-AD data) is allowed. But when evaluating the model in the test set, it is only allowed to use text description about normality and anomaly (e.g. defect types) for in-context learning. You cannot use any in-task images for model pre-training. Note that the scale of the pre-training data for the public pre-trained model is not limited. If you use private data/subset of public data to pre-train or fine-tune a model, the data is capped to 50 million (for the easiness of reproducing), and you must publish the data if you want to be considered as one of the top two winners per track.


Challenge Results

Track 1: Zero-shot Anomaly Detection

Track 2: Few-shot Anomaly Detection


Rules and Requirements

Phase 2 (Closed)

Phase 2 is our main challenge for both zero-shot and few-shot tracks. Participants can use their knowledge learned from Phase 1 to develop a model for the Phase 2's dataset. To avoid overfitting, evaluation scripts won't be provided during the challenge. The top two winners of each track will be selected based on the Phase 2’s results.


To officially participate in our challenge, please register your information and team information (name, email, members, etc.) with the following form first. If you have already registered for Phase 1, you don't need to register again:  

Registration Form

We allow only one registration per team. Also, one registration covers all phases (phase 1 and phase 2) and tasks (zero-shot and few-shot).

Challenge link

Note that these sites are different from our Phase 1 CodaLab sites. Therefore, new CodaLab registration is required for each track.

Zero-shot anomaly classification and segmentation

For zero-shot anomaly classification and segmentation, the goal is to develop a single model with zero-shot anomaly classification and segmentation ability on various downstream datasets, given a pre-trained model and textual description about object/potential defect of the tasks.

Few-shot anomaly classification and segmentation

For few-shot anomaly classification and segmentation, the goal is to develop an algorithm which learns to conduct anomaly classification and segmentation for downstream datasets with a few normal downstream images.

Phase 1 (Closed)

Phase 1 is designed to initiate algorithmic development and introduce our challenge’s objectives, such as description of the two tracks, zero-shot and few-shot, and target metrics we will use. To avoid overfitting, evaluation scripts won't be provided during the challenge. The top two winners of each track will be selected based on the Phase 2’s results.


To officially participate in our challenge, please register your information and team information (name, email, members, etc.) with the following form first: 

Registration Form

We allow only one registration per team. Also, one registration covers all phases (phase 1 and phase 2) and tasks (zero-shot and few-shot).

Challenge link


For Phase 1, we allow one submission per day per team. Further details on submission including format, structure, and zip can be found at "Learn the Details -> Evaluation" of each challenge site.

Zero-shot anomaly classification and segmentation

For zero-shot anomaly classification and segmentation, the goal is to develop a single model with zero-shot anomaly classification and segmentation ability on various downstream datasets, given a pre-trained model and textual description about object/potential defect of the tasks.

Few-shot anomaly classification and segmentation

For few-shot anomaly classification and segmentation, the goal is to develop an algorithm which learns to conduct anomaly classification and segmentation for downstream datasets with a few normal downstream images.

Clarification on Evaluation Metrics

We believe the metrics used in the challenge are more practical for real-world application than standard ROC-AUC and PR-AUC. We will host our server to evaluate all the submitted results for a fair comparison. However, we won't open source the evaluation code until the winner announcement to avoid overfitting the test set. The participants can either use standard metrics (e.g. ROC-AUC) or the proposed metrics implemented by themselves to evaluate their methods locally, and then submit results to our server for a fair benchmarking. 
