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Physiotherapy is an important part of the rehabilitation process, which focuses on improving a person's ability to move and function. Physiotherapists use various exercises and joint and soft tissue mobilization to help a person regain movement and prevent pain. They can also recommend exercises to prevent a condition from coming back. Physiotherapy is appropriate for people of all ages and is effective at improving mobility and easing pain.

Vancouver Physiotherapy also helps people with cardiovascular and neurological problems. It can improve cardiovascular function and prevent future complications. It can also help women who are pregnant or recovering from a surgical procedure. It can also help people with chronic pain. Various physiotherapy exercises can be done at home. There are many misconceptions about physical therapy and its benefits.

Physiotherapy can help those who suffer from arthritis. Arthritis is a debilitating disease, and physiotherapy can help reduce inflammation and strengthen muscles and joints. Physiotherapy can also help people recover faster after surgery or an injury. Different sports are associated with different injuries and physiotherapy can help patients cope with these conditions and return to normal activity.

Physiotherapy is also beneficial for patients with balance problems. Physiotherapists use balance drills and assistive devices to restore balance and reduce dizziness. In some cases, patients will also need to undergo complex manoeuvres to restore normal vestibular function. If the vestibular system is not functioning properly, the patient can experience vertigo or dizziness, which can lead to anxiety.

Vancouver Physiotherapy Hub