Van Buren 7-12 PD 2020-2021

PD Goals

  1. All teachers will align instruction with Iowa Core standards.

  2. All teachers will apply Gradual Release of Responsibility Model in classrooms (Focus Lesson, Guided Practice, Collaborative Group Work, Independent Practice)

  3. All teachers will understand Standards-based grading framework and be prepared to fully implement SBG for 2021-2022 school year.

  4. By August 24, all teachers will be prepared to seamlessly transition to distance instruction as necessary by using Moodle, Google Classroom or other platform.

AEA Health and Safety Modules

Teachers and Staff

This stand-alone module was developed to provide teachers and staff with information on mitigating the spread of communicable disease (such as COVID-19) and creating a culture of preventative health and wellness. This module provides practical considerations for the classroom such as handling shared materials, classroom set up, and scheduling time for hygiene and wellness practices.

This link will take you directly to the course: