Sometimes my kill count just stops counting. The last run it stopped at 11k. But I kept getting exp and killing mobs for a bunch of levels the remainder of the round. Kill count worked for the first few minutes then just stopped counting.

One is that vampires themselves are a pretty big deal, and our heroes would probably only be able to fight one in a Lord fight, not as a miniboss monster, and certainly not as a special. Vampires are powerhouses, and the only way to make a fight with them believable lore-wise, is to have it be a Lord fight, where we can weaken the vampire with the enviroment. Maybe open some windows to weaken them with the sun, that sort of thing.

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2nd map is traveling to the location of the relic in which case the 5 are again too late in acquiring the relic. Not sure on the location of this part. Perhaps an old ruin in the moutains so we can have more snow terrain. More undead would be prevalent in the map though I think a full on faction might be a bit much - perhaps 2 enemy types or so. Again norsca/skavens are hunting the 5 since their encounter at the monastery.

According to AppMagic, the game reached 1.7 million installs on iOS. The US is the number one country by downloads, accounting for 22% of the total number. It is followed by Japan (18%), Russia (9%), South Korea (9%), and China (6%).

On Android, Vampire Survivors generated 1.49 million lifetime downloads, with Brazil accounting for 16% of total installs. Other countries in the top 5 include the US (12%), Russia (9%), Japan (6%), and Spain (6%).

After Mina's fianc Jonathan escapes from Count Dracula's castle, she travels to Budapest and joins him there. Mina cares for him during his recovery from his traumatic encounter with the vampire and his brides, and the two return to England as husband and wife. Back home, they learn that Lucy has died from a mysterious illness stemming from severe blood loss as the result of repeated attacks by an unknown, blood-drinking animal. The animal, they learn, was none other than Dracula taking a different shape.

After Dracula learns of this plot against him, he takes revenge by visiting - and biting - Mina at least three times. Dracula also feeds Mina his own blood, dooming her to become a vampire should she die.[2] Afterwards, he kills Renfield and destroys all of the copies of their compiled records except for one, which Dr. Seward kept in a safe. The rest of the novel deals with the group's efforts to spare Mina a vampiric fate by tracking and attempting to kill Dracula. When Van Helsing attempts to bless her by placing a host against her forehead it burns her flesh, leaving a scar, thus proving that Dracula has made her unholy. Mina slowly succumbs to Dracula's influence, switching back and forth from a state of consciousness to one of semi-trance, during which she is telepathically connected with Dracula. Mina then uses her inherent telepathic abilities to track Dracula's movements under the hypnotism of Van Helsing. Dracula later flees back to his castle in Transylvania, followed by the entire group who split up. As Van Helsing takes Mina with him on his journey to Dracula's castle to slay the Brides of Dracula, the rest of the party attempt to locate and raid the ship Dracula is using, to ambush him. As time goes on, Helsing's ability to hypnotize Mina to obtain intelligence on the whereabouts of Count Dracula diminishes significantly. Her appearance and manner become more vampire-like, to the point where she even loses her appetite as well as her ability to stay awake during the day despite multiple attempts by Van Helsing to wake her. But at night, is much more spry and active to the doctor's disturbance.

While Mina and Van Helsing are at camp, Helsing finely crumbles a sacred wafer in a circle around Mina as she sleeps during the daytime. Upon waking, she is unable to cross the circle at all. Van Helsing does this as a test; if Mina is unable to exit the circle, he reasons that vampires would be unable to enter, as well. This is confirmed when, later in the night, the brides come to the camp, but are unable to cross the ring around Mina and Van Helsing. The brides beckon her to join them but fail to do so (which Van Helsing is relieved at when he notices how Mina looks at them with fear and disgust, and he realizes she isn't like them yet); with that, they fly back to Dracula's castle before sunrise, where they meet their demise at Van Helsing's hands. Curiously, when Helsing is about to stake the first bride, he's stopped by her beauty and hesitates. But is snapped out of it by a "soul wail" from Mina though is unsure if he imagined it or she used some of her newfound power to help him.

In Stoker's original novel, Mina recovers from the vampire's curse upon Dracula's death and lives on with her husband, Jonathan. However, in some media, Mina is killed at some point in the story, while in others, she becomes a full vampire and keeps her powers after the death of Dracula.

In the light novels (also later adapted into two anime films and a manga series) Vampire Hunter D, the ancient vampire Count Magnus Lee refers to a "Mina the Fair" who was pursued by the "Sacred Ancestor" (revealed in the English dub of the first film to be "our sire Count Dracula"). It is implied that she may be the mother of D (the son of the Sacred Ancestor).

In the 1997 manga series Hellsing, a character referred to only as "She" is eventually revealed to be Mina Harker's corpse. She died before Dracula (later Alucard) could be defeated, but because he did not die, the curse was still active in her, which the Doctor exploited to create Millennium's vampires.

Give think time. (When a student raises their hand, it tells other students they were not fast or good enough in their thinking. To account for this, students give me a sly thumbs-up on their chest to signal that they have thinking they want to share. Then, they put up multiple fingers (on the same hand) to indicate they have multiple ways to answer/solve the problem.

Shortly after (3~4 hours) that I completed another game (Framed Collection, which I got here about a month ago and it's an incredibly fun game) and I thought "woah! 101 perfect games!?! I need to show this to my sister right now!", so when i went to take a new screenshot I noticed that Steam updated the count to... 94!?! What!?!

Sometimes by "moving" a number on your profile (i.e causing it to change by completing a new game for example) you trigger the steam process by which it updates those counters and they get recalculated according to whatever the latest changes are (games getting banned, deleted, etc.). This happens in addition to the usual periodic updates that happen every interval.

You should use this site 

Useful to show you if any games get achievements added (look for 'previously completed' in the top right), but also to show you how many games you've completed, including profile limited ones. As others have mentioned Steam does glitch out between counting the 'profile limited' ones and not.

Completionist tells you how many of these there are at the top right. So in my case I have 15 'restricted' games, and my completed count then changes by 15 depending on the day. Very useful site overall if you enjoy finishing your games.

also in the short amount of time since you replied.. it's now up to 6 games lol. thankfully it's just an update for vampire survivors (early access). in that case, i'm super happy because it's a really fun game and any excuse to keep playing it is good.

Huh, weird... For me, your page for perfect games lists 94 games but only 10 with achievement count... Looking at your normal games page is shows me an achievement-count for 178 games, 91 of which have all achievements...

That perfect game tab doesn't work properly for anyone. Everything showing with no achievements has achievements. The games that actually don't count because they're removed or in profile features limited mode aren't in the list at all. Mine would be twice as long (at least) if those things were showing. I also suspect that there are other perfect games that actually do count toward my total that aren't showing up in that list. I mean, why would Steam be consistent in the way that they calculate and present their data? ???

One final thing to mention is that using Seal to lock weapons within the Collection menu does count toward the Seal II unlock requirement. Players that have unlocked Seal I and invested in its ranks are thus advised to lock 10 weapons before even starting run, as that will expedite the process of banishing 20 weapons.

I have the following code in pyspark, resulting in a table showing me the different values for a column and their counts. I want to have another column showing what percentage of the total count does each row represent. How do I do that?

When df itself is a more complex transformation chain and running it twice -- first to compute the total count and then to group and compute percentages -- is too expensive, it's possible to leverage a window function to achieve similar results. Here's a more generalized code (extending bluephantom's answer) that could be used with a number of group-by dimensions:

Though his death signalled the end of the gruelling conflict in 2051 IC, the lands of Sylvania have been forever cursed with the powers of the undead, becoming breeding grounds for a multitude of necromancers, vampires, and other dark creatures.[2d] As the years went by, the land was forever shunned by the other Imperial provinces, and every century or two another one of Vlad's own bloodline would rise up and challenge the Empire in hopes of achieving that which Vlad could not. 17dc91bb1f

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