
A color separation for kishio's Donald with Donald_Yupi's New Dot Donald sprites. It doesn't contains add-ons like portrait, burgers and such. Just .sff with some sprites color separated. So, you can make more palettes for Donald or even make differently colored Donald edits.Original creator of this color separation: Tengoku No GC

Donald McDonald [Color Separation]

Patch for Donalddesu's Dark Donald that gives him New Dot sprites made by Donald_Yupi, as well adds new ones made by the same named author. It also gives him new palettes, new icon and actual settled portrait and colored darker.  Special thanks to Donald_Yupi and Alexander Cooper 19

Dark Donald [Graphic patch]

Patch for PineappleProducer's Evil Donald that gives him New Dot sprites with additional new ones from me and Donald_Yupi. Also comes up with my own palette pack for it. Special thanks to Donald_Yupi

Evil Donald [Graphics patch]

[Password is "AprilEvilDonald2023V"]

Themed palettes for peg's Colonel Sanders, kishio's Donald McDonald, Claymizer's Sonic the Hedgehog, ShinRyoga & NeoAnkh's Super Mario Brothers, Doudou's Yumeko and Kohaku's Sakuya Izayoi and Sanae Kochiya. Free to use palettes for edits.

Overrated Shadow DIO [Patch for WinMUGEN and MUGEN 1.0]

[There's no password this time... no, I'm not kidding, altho you're required to get the original character for this patch, lol.]

.sff file with Donald_Yupi's New Dot Donald sprites for Donalddesu's Ronald McDonald (2012 version). Even custom sprites in it were made to be New Dot styled. Credits to Donald_Yupi for New Dot sprites.

Ronald McDonald [Graphic patch]

A palette pack made for frule's Cirno for 2021 Cirno's Day. Pack contains 12 custom made palettes for her, 2 of them related to Cirno's current default palette, 6 differently colored palettes of her default palette, a palette based on Daiyousei, and 3 season/holiday themed palettes. Palette pack is free to be used for Cirno edits and characters made from scratch using KFM/Winane AI template, as long I get credited for it.

Cirno [palette pack]

Some of sprites I have made for kishio's Donald in attempt to try recreating kishio's artstyle. Free to use as long I'm credited. Click on names below to get their respective sprites.

Public Donald sprites by Vallery

Stage by Flowrellik that was originally for 1.1 only with codes for it, converted to WinMUGEN and MUGEN 1.0. It removes 1.0 codes, adds some new ones, changes sizes in sff and such.


[Password is "Acropolis2014-Win&1.0"]

[Password is same, but without 2014 part in it]

Hidden Artificial Sky + edits [Patch for WinMUGEN]

[Password is "Hidden-Artificial-Sky"]

[.sff files are required for patches to work!]