Valeria Bertini 

Post-doc at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Genova (DIMA).

I am an algebraic geometer, currently a Post-doc fellow at the math department of the University of Genova (DIMA), in the geometry group.

Previously I was a Post-doc at the CMUP (Porto) with André Oliveira, and before a Post-doc at the TU Chemnitz with Christian Lehn. I got my PhD at the Tor Vergata University in Rome and at the University of Strasbourg (joint project), with Gianluca Pacienza and Antonio Rapagnetta as advisors. Here more information about me.

I am interested in geometrical problems on irreducible holomorphic symplectic varieties, both in the smooth and in the singular setting. You can find here more information about my research.

Genova, May 2024