Teaching assistant at UMons (2018-2020) for:

Feedbacks from the students:

Each year at UMons, students are asked to give evaluations for the teachers and the teaching assistants. They give a global score on a 1 to 5 scale from "Very insufficient" to "Excellent" and support it with comments. You can find here my evaluations from the students at UMons during the following periods; 2020[pdf], 2019[pdf] and 2018[pdf]. 

Teaching assistant at Skoltech for:


In this section, you can find teaching notes dedicated to various topics. Please email me if you catch errors.

Please be indulgent, this section is under construction and will be updated from time to time. 

Linear Algebra - Matrix Theory:

Algebraic structures for optimization:

Continuous Optimization:

Lecture series on Lyapunov functions for optimization:

ISP - Skoltech (2023):

ISP - Skoltech (2024):

Graduate School SOCN (given by Panos Patrinos from KULeuven)