Valentin Lang

I am an Assistant Professor of International Political Economy and Development at the University of Mannheim. Previously, I was at the universities of Zurich, Cambridge, Heidelberg, and Paris and worked for the IMF and the OECD.

In my research, I study the political, economic, and distributional implications of global governance and international (dis-)integration. My projects examine the political economy of international institutions, analyze the electoral backlash against globalization and migration, and study the causes and consequences of economic inequalities. My work often combines economics with political science and is based on advanced statistical methods for causal inference.

My research is published in journals like the American Journal of Political Science, the American Economic Journal, the Journal of Development Economics, and the Journal of Politics. In the press, it has appeared in The Economist, Le Monde, Süddeutsche, FAZ and Politico. I was also invited to present my research to institutions such as the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund and it provided the basis for a parliamentary question of the European Parliament.
