Associate professor in  Geometry

Università degli Studi di Padova


Tel. +39-0444-998708

Skype: vcasarino

Research interests

Harmonic analysis on spheres, even complex and quaternionic; spectral properties of differential operators on spaces of differential forms

Gaussian harmonic analysis

Nilpotent Lie groups; restriction properties of spectral projections arising from the spectral decomposition of Laplacians and subLaplacians.


V. Casarino, P. Ciatti and P. Sjögren, Spectral multipliers in a general Gaussian setting, preprint (2022), arXiv:2202.01547.

Recent publications 

V. Casarino, P. Ciatti and P. Sjögren,  On the variation operator for the Ornstein--Uhlenbeck  semigroup in dimension one,  Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata 203, 205-219 (2024),

V. Casarino, P. Ciatti e P. Sjögren,  On the maximal operator  of a general Ornstein--Uhlenbeck  semigroup, Math. Z. , 301, (2022), pp.2393–2413,

V. Casarino, P. Ciatti e A. Martini, Uniform pointwise estimates for ultraspherical polynomials, Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, 359 (2021) no. 10, pp. 1239–1250,

V. Casarino, P. Ciatti e P. Sjögren, On the orthogonality of generalized eigenspaces for the  Ornstein--Uhlenbeck  operator, Archiv der Matematik 117, 547–556 (2021).

V. Casarino, P. Ciatti and A .Martini, Weighted spectral cluster bounds and a sharp multiplier theorem for ultraspherical Grushin operators, International Mathematics Research Notices (to appear),  arXiv:2009.02916.

V. Casarino, P. Ciatti e P. Sjögren, Riesz transforms of a general Ornstein--Uhlenbeck semigroup,  Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations  60, 135 (2021).  

V. Casarino, P. Ciatti and P. Sjögren, The maximal operator of a normal Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup is of weak type (1,1), Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) Vol. XXI (2020), 385-410, DOI : 10.2422/2036-2145.201805_012, arXiv:1705.00833,

V. Casarino, P. Ciatti and A. Martini,  From refined estimates for the spherical harmonics to a sharp multiplier theorem on the Grushin sphere, Advances in Mathematics  350 (2019), 816-859. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2019.05.003, arXiv:1705.07068.

R. Bramati, V. Casarino e P. Ciatti, On the norms of quaternionic  harmonic projection operators,  C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I,  356 (2018), 482-488, DOI 10.1016/j.crma.2018.03.011

V. Casarino, M.G. Cowling, A. Martini e A. Sikora,  Spectral multipliers for the Kohn Laplacian on forms on the sphere in C^n,  arXiv:1501.02321v1,  Journal of Geometric Analysis 27 (2017),  3302-3338, DOI 10.1007/s12220-017-9806-3.

V. Casarino e P. Ciatti, L^p joint eigenfunction bounds on quaternionic  spheres,  J.Fourier Anal. Appl. 23 (2017), 886-918, DOI 10.1007/s00041-016-9506-6.

V. Casarino, Some remarks on harmonic projection operators  on spheres,  Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis Seminar (2016), DOI: 10.6092/issn.2240-2829/6685.

V. Casarino and M. Peloso, Strichartz estimates and the nonlinear Schroedinger equation for the sublaplacian on complex spheres,

Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 367 (2015), 2631-2664. 

 V. Casarino and P. Ciatti, A Restriction Theorem for  Metivier Groups, Advances in Mathematics 245 (2013),  52-77.

V. Casarino and P. Ciatti, Restriction estimates for the full Laplacian on  Metivier Groups, Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 24

(2013), 165-179.

V. Casarino, P. Ciatti and S. Secco, Product structures and fractional integration along curves in the space, DCDS (s), 6(3), (2013), 


 V. Casarino, P. Ciatti and S. Secco, Product kernels adapted to curves in the space, Revista Matematica  Iberoamericana 27 (2011),  1023-1057.

 V. Casarino and M. Peloso, L^p -summability of Riesz means for the sublaplacian on complex spheres,  Journal of the London Mathematical Society 83 (2011), 137-152.

 V. Casarino and P. Ciatti, Transferring L^p eigenfunction bounds from S^{2n+1} to h^n, Studia Mathematica,  194 (2009), 23-42.

 V. Casarino, Two-parameter estimates for joint spectral projections  on complex spheres, Math. Z., 261 (2009), 245-259.