i tried to search on the forum and i found a thread that said to use the online google play services system the i must recompile the google play plugin and the ue4 engine, this is still needed ? or can i use the google play services using blueprint without any plugin recompile?

Alternative: GrapheneOS (@GrapheneOS): "The full variant of the Google Maps app is one of the few Google apps largely working without Play services. With the latest advances in the sandboxed Play services compatibility layer, it also works with that installed with more functionality available. Still issues to resolve."|nitter.it

Download Google Play Services 5.1

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In case you missed it you can now install the minimal flavor of the android app that does not require google services. Keep in mind things like location tracking and notifications will not work as those depend on google services. You can grab the APK from the actions tab on the github repo, just select the latest commit and download the minimal version.

Some Firebase Android SDKs depend onGoogle Play services,which means they will only run on devices and emulators with Google Play servicesinstalled. These Firebase SDKs communicate with the Google Play services backgroundservice on the device to provide a secure, up-to-date, and lightweight API toyour app. Certain Android devices, such as Amazon Kindle Fire devices or thosesold in some regions, do not have Google Play services installed.

TensorFlow Lite is available in Google Play services runtime for all Androiddevices running the current version of Play services. This runtime allows you torun machine learning (ML) models without statically bundling TensorFlow Litelibraries into your app.

With the Google Play services API, you can reduce the size of your apps and gainimproved performance from the latest stable version of the libraries. TensorFlowLite in Google Play services is the recommended way to use TensorFlow Lite onAndroid.

You can get started with the Play services runtime with theQuickstart, which provides a step-by-step guide toimplement a sample application. If you are already using stand-alone TensorFlowLite in your app, refer to theMigrating from stand-alone TensorFlow Lite section to update anexisting app to use the Play services runtime. For more information about GooglePlay services, see theGoogle Play serviceswebsite.

TensorFlow Lite in Google Play services is available through theTensorFlow Lite Task APIandTensorFlow Lite Interpreter API.The Task Library provides optimized out-of-box model interfaces for commonmachine learning tasks using visual, audio, and text data. The TensorFlow LiteInterpreter API, provided by the TensorFlow runtime and support libraries,provides a more general-purpose interface for building and running ML models.

The following sections provide instructions on how to implement the Interpreterand Task Library APIs in Google Play services. While it is possible for an appto use both the Interpreter APIs and Task Library APIs, most apps should onlyuse one set of APIs.

TensorFlow Lite allows you to accelerate the performance of your model usingspecialized hardware processors, such as graphics processing units (GPUs). Youcan take advantage of these specialized processors using hardware drivers calleddelegates. You canuse the following hardware acceleration delegates with TensorFlow Lite in GooglePlay services:

If you want to use stand-alone TensorFlow Lite and the Play services APIside-by-side, you must use TensorFlow Lite 2.9 (or later). TensorFlow Lite 2.8and earlier versions are not compatible with the Play services API version.

When you use TensorFlow Lite in Google Play services APIs, processing of theinput data, such as images, video, text, fully happens on-device, and TensorFlowLite in Google Play services APIs does not send that data to Google servers. Asa result, you can use our APIs for processing data that should not leave thedevice.

The TensorFlow Lite in Google Play services APIs may contact Google servers fromtime to time in order to receive things like bug fixes, updated models andhardware accelerator compatibility information. The TensorFlow Lite in GooglePlay services APIs also sends metrics about the performance and utilization ofthe APIs in your app to Google. Google uses this metrics data to measureperformance, debug, maintain and improve the APIs, and detect misuse or abuse,as further described in ourPrivacy Policy.

While the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) provides common, device-level functionalities such as email and calling, GMS is not part of AOSP. GMS is only available through a license with Google and delivers a holistic set of popular apps and cloud-based services. Note that GMS apps can vary based on country availability and requirements.2

Google Play Services is one of the core components of the Android operating system that is crucial to the whole experience. It handles everything from allowing you to manage your Google accounts to ensuring your Google apps work together. It provides specific functionality between your installed Android apps and the operating system. Google's apps and many third-party apps rely on them to offer unique cloud services, targeted user ads, and more. And like smartphones, the best Android tablets also benefit from Google Play Services.

The bottom of the screen is a reserved touch zone for system navigation. A line is displayed in the center to show that the navigation bar is present across the entire bottom of the screen. In most apps, this area will display padding. Modern apps are able to tell the OS that they can handle not having the padding to display app content there while still not being able to receive touches from it. Open up the Settings app for an example.

GrapheneOS includes all of the accessibility features from the Android Open Source Project and strives to fill in the gaps from not including Google apps and services. We include our own fork of the open source TalkBack accessibility service along with a Monochromacy option for the standard color correction menu.

GrapheneOS does not yet include a text-to-speech (TTS) service in the base OS due to limitations of the available options. Including one is planned in the future when a suitable option is available. RHVoice and eSpeak NG are both open source and are the most common choices by GrapheneOS users. Both of these work fine but have licensing issues. eSpeak NG has added Direct Boot based on our request for it, meaning it is able to function before the first unlock. RHVoice is missing Direct Boot and can't run before the first unlock. Installing and setting up either one of these or another TTS app will get TalkBack working. TalkBack itself supports Direct Boot and works before the first unlock but it needs to have a TTS app supporting it in order to do more than playing the activation sound before the first unlock. After installing a TTS service, you need to select it in the OS configuration to accept activating it. The OS will display one of them as already selected, but it won't simply work from being installed as that wouldn't be safe. This is the same as the stock OS but it comes with one set up already.

Third party accessibility services can be installed and activated. This includes the ones made by Google. Most of these will work but some may have a hard dependency on functionality from Google Play services for some of their functionality or to run at all. Accessibility services are very powerful and we strongly recommend against using third party implementations if you can get by well without them. We plan to add safeguards in this area while still keeping them working without problematic barriers.

Modes are displayed as tabs at the bottom of the screen. You can switch between modes using the tab interface or by swiping left/right anywhere on the screen. The arrow button at the top of the screen opens the settings panel and you can close it by pressing anywhere outside the settings panel. You can also swipe down to open the settings and swipe up to close it. Outside of the QR scanning mode, there's a row of large buttons above the tab bar for switching between the cameras (left), capturing images and starting/stopping video recording (middle) and opening the gallery (right). The volume keys can also be used as an equivalent to pressing the capture button. While recording a video, the gallery button becomes an image capture button for capturing images.

The app has an in-app gallery and video player for images/videos taken with it. It currently opens an external editor activity for the edit action. GrapheneOS comes with AOSP Gallery which provides an editor activity. You can install a nicer photo editor and the Camera app will be able to use it. We plan to replace AOSP Gallery with a standalone variant of the gallery we're developing for the Camera app in the future.

By default, EXIF metadata is stripped for captured images and only includes the orientation. Stripping metadata for videos is planned but not supported yet. Orientation metadata isn't stripped since it's fully visible from how the image is displayed so it doesn't count as hidden metadata and is needed for proper display. You can toggle off stripping EXIF metadata in the More Settings menu opened from the settings dialog. Disabling metadata stripping will leave the timestamp, phone model, exposure configuration and other metadata. Location tagging is disabled by default and won't be stripped if you enable it.

GrapheneOS has a compatibility layer providing the option to install and use the official releases of Google Play in the standard app sandbox. Google Play receives absolutely no special access or privileges on GrapheneOS as opposed to bypassing the app sandbox and receiving a massive amount of highly privileged access. Instead, the compatibility layer teaches it how to work within the full app sandbox. It also isn't used as a backend for the OS services as it would be elsewhere since GrapheneOS doesn't use Google Play even when it's installed.

The vast majority of Play services functionality works perfectly including dynamically downloaded / updated modules (dynamite modules) and functionality provided by modular app components such as Google Play Games. By default, location requests are rerouted to a reimplementation of the Play geolocation service provided by GrapheneOS. You can disable rerouting and use the standard Play services geolocation service instead if you want the Google network location service and related features. ff782bc1db

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