Publicaciones científicas 

Cormick, C., Edelsztein, V. (2023). Scratching where it doesn’t itch: science denialism, expertise, and the probative value of scientific consensus. Daimon. (in press) 

In recent years, several strategies have been proposed to tackle social controversies about topics in which science is settled, among which one of the most influential is that of Elizabeth Anderson, who argues that any lay person with access to the Internet and basic education can reliably assess the acceptability of various claims involving expert knowledge. In particular, the author shows that this procedure can be successfully applied to the case of anthropogenic global warming. In this article we will try to argue why, even if we concede that Anderson's proposal is satisfactory in that particular case, it fails to generalize when applied to other controversies. In this article, we illustrate it with the cases of flat-Eartherism and anti-vaxxerism.

Claudio Cormick, Valeria Edelsztein. (2023). “Believing at will is possible”−or is it? Some remarks on Peels’s “truth depends on belief” cases and voluntariness. Manuscrito (in press).

This article discusses Rik Peels's response to Williams's argument against voluntary belief. Williams argues that voluntary beliefs must be acquired independently of truth-considerations, so they cannot count as beliefs after all, since beliefs aim at truth. Peels attempted to reply by showing that in cases of self-fulfilling beliefs, a belief can indeed be voluntarily acquired in conditions which retain the necessary truth-orientation. But even if we make two crucial concessions to Peels’s proposal, his argument ultimately fails. The first concession is that beliefs can be weakly voluntary—namely, we can acquire them at will though we do not preserve them at will but on the basis of evidence. Conceding this, however, only lands us in the “acquisition problem”: how a belief can be acquired qua belief when we still do not think we have justification for it. This leads us to the second concession: that knowing in advance that a certain belief is self-fulfilling provides us with such a justification. However, this concession lands us in the ultimate obstacle: that, precisely because such a justification is available both before and at the moment of forming the belief, the cognitive perspective of the subject is identical at both moments, which obscures what it even means to say that at a certain moment she started to have a belief.

Valeria Edelsztein* & Sebastián Waisbrot. (2023). Breaking down the gender pay gap through a machine learning model. Convergencia Revista de Ciencias Sociales, [S.l.], p. 1-29.  (*autora corresponsal). 

Being able to decompose the gender pay gap (GPG) and determine the contribution of each component is important to design appropriate policies to reduce it. With the aim of providing a new tool to achieve this, in this paper, we propose a decomposition approach based on a machine learning model. The tool was implemented on a population of 5,742 Argentinean IT-related workers to obtain the value of the adjusted and unadjusted GPG in a four-phase process: sample characterization, development of a wage predictor, calculation of adjusted GPG, and analysis of the explained component of GPG. According to our analysis, there is a GPG of 20%, 7,7% of which can be explained exclusively by direct discrimination while 12,3% can be ascribed to other factors, such as total years of experience, educational level, and number of people in charge.

Valeria Edelsztein* y Claudio Cormick. (2023) Análisis del movimiento antivacunas en Twitter: una perspectiva latinoamericana. Journal of Science Communication – América Latina (en prensa) (*autora corresponsal).

En este artículo realizamos un relevamiento exhaustivo de las publicaciones de Médicos por la Verdad, uno de los principales grupos antivacunas de Latinoamérica, en la red social Twitter durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Clasificamos sus tipos de razonamiento y el contenido de sus mensajes y mostramos que las propuestas existentes de análisis de discursos anticientíficos no pueden aplicarse a este caso particular. Proponemos, en consecuencia, una nueva categorización y su aplicación focalizada en las herramientas disponibles para comunicadores de la ciencia, por un lado, y público no especializado, por el otro.

Edelsztein, V.*, Ramos Méndez, P., & Cormick, C. (2023). Contra la astrología: una propuesta didáctico-epistemológica para distinguir discursos anticientíficos. Diálogos pedagógicos 21(41), 1–21. (*autora corresponsal).

En este trabajo, se propone una clasificación epistemológica teórica para el discurso astrológico a partir de evidencia empírica a fin de abordar el problema de cómo determinar específicamente qué es lo que lo hace ilegítimo. A partir de esta clasificación se diseñó una intervención didáctica enmarcada en el enfoque de Enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales en Contexto (ECNC) con el objetivo de fomentar, en estudiantes de nivel secundario, la capacidad de distinguir enunciados cognoscitivamente ilegítimos -por infalsables o por falsos- respecto de aquellos que pueden constituir genuino conocimiento científico. La secuencia didáctica se implementó con un grupo de 51 estudiantes de 14 a 17 años. Se evaluó su impacto por comparación entre un pretest y un postest. Los resultados mostraron que su capacidad de discernimiento entre enunciados falsables y no falsables se incrementó apreciablemente.

Valeria Edelsztein*. (2023) An Experimental Approach with a Twist: Helping High School Students to Understand the Concept of Limiting Reactant. Journal of Chemical Education (en prensa, Article ASAP). (*autora corresponsal).

High school and first-years college students have difficulties in understanding the topic of stoichiometry and, in particular, the concept of limiting reactant. Proposals aimed at overcoming these 10 learning obstacles tend to focus on analogies and there are few sequences that approach teaching from an experimental perspective. Those that do it, usually involve specific reactions whose reagents are not easily obtained or require special equipment. In this article, an experimental activity was designed to introduce the concept of limiting reactant with nonhazardous, inexpensive and readily available materials in combination with an innovative visual and graphic representational approach. It was 15 implemented with three groups of 16-17 years old students (N = 74) with some previous knowledge (acids and bases reaction, indicators and slight experience in handling laboratory material). From their own observations and reasoning and without the need to go through analogical mediation, it was possible to satisfactorily arrive at the concept of limiting reactant. Subsequently, the proposal was adapted for students with no prior knowledge and implemented it with three groups of 9-12 years old (N = 27) in an informal teaching environment with similar results. This intervention could potentially help high school students better understand the concept of limiting reagent and overcome future learning obstacles in relation to other chemical phenomena that rely on this concept.

Valeria Edelsztein* y Claudio Cormick. (2023) La ley y el orden: sobre dos sorprendentes (¡y extendidos!) errores en la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales. Anales de la Asociación Química Argentina, 109, 223-229, 2023. (*autora corresponsal).

No parece especialmente audaz decir que un objetivo de la educación científica es lograr que el estudiantado pueda entender distintos fenómenos del mundo en su mutua relación. Esto equivale, a grandes rasgos, a promover el conocimiento de las explicaciones científicas, que suponen recurrir a relaciones regulares entre ciertos fenómenos y que, ciertamente, es diferente del conocimiento de tal o cual tipo de suceso tomado de forma aislada. En este texto, llamaremos la atención sobre dos tendencias contrapuestas que, sin embargo, tienden hacia el resultado común de obstaculizar la realización de tal objetivo. Por un lado, encontramos caracterizaciones de la explicación científica que la asimilan a la argumentación y, por tanto, pierden de vista aquello que específicamente hace explicativas a las explicaciones; esto es, piden demasiado poco de una explicación científica. Por otro lado, aquellas que consideran que casos paradigmáticos de explicación científica −como las que se logran subsumiendo fenómenos como las mareas a las leyes de Newton− no constituyen realmente explicaciones sino meramente descripciones; se trata aquí de pedir demasiado de una explicación. Señalaremos, en consecuencia, que una mayor atención a las elaboraciones provistas por la filosofía de la ciencia alrededor de la noción de explicación resulta crucial para servir mejor los propósitos educativos.

Lagares, F., Edelsztein, V., Parisi, G. & Rieznik, A. (2022). The effect of handedness on elementary arithmetic operations: a longitudinal large-scale investigation through smart mobile devices. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (Advance online publication)  

It has been proposed that a weak lateralization of the human brain may be associated with a developmental delay that would affect multiple types of tasks. Under this hypothesis and taking into account that handedness is one of the most studied manifestations of the aforementioned lateralization we have comparatively analyzed through linear mixed effects models the response times of more than two and a half million responses to different types of arithmetic problems made by more than twenty-five thousand right-handed, left-handed and ambidextrous individuals who have trained through an application for smart mobile devices. All of our results unanimously show no significant differences in response times between left and right handers and higher values for non-lateralized users compared to lateralized users. Interestingly, results also show that the magnitude of this last differential behavior increased with high levels of training.

Edelsztein, V.*, Galagovsky, L. (2021). Identificar y responder preguntas resolubles mediante un diseño experimental. Una experiencia con docentes de escuela primaria. Ciência & Educação (Bauru), 27.  (*corresponding author).

La capacidad de identificar y responder preguntas investigables que puedan ser resueltas mediante un diseño experimental es considerada una competencia a ser desarrollada durante el aprendizaje en ciencias naturales. Lograr que los estudiantes cumplan con este objetivo necesariamente implica que el profesorado haya perfeccionado esta competencia previamente. Sin embargo, existen pocas investigaciones al respecto de cuán desarrollada se encuentra esta habilidad en docentes y prácticamente ninguna con la participación de maestros y maestras de escuela primaria. En este trabajo se presenta una secuencia de actividades didácticas en tres fases con el objetivo de indagar sobre esta habilidad, promover la capacidad de identificar, entre un genérico de preguntas investigables, aquellas que, efectivamente, podrían ser resueltas mediante un diseño experimental sencillo y luego formular un experimento adecuado, con variables mensurables y controladas, para responderlas. Dicha secuencia se implementó exitosamente con un grupo de 41 docentes de escuela primaria. 

Edelsztein, V.* & Vázquez, C. (2021). Checkable nutrition: a scientific literacy experience for students. Valeria Edelsztein* & Cecilia Vázquez. International Journal of Science Education, 43(5), 777-792. (*corresponding author).

This study focuses on an educational proposal on nutrition within the framework of a context-based approach to science teaching. The intervention was conducted with 100 students between the ages of 9 and 15 in the City of Buenos Aires with the intention of developing their ability to identify checkable and non-checkable claims. Even when it has been noted that a short training can improve this ability in adults, for the first time we have evidence that shows an educational intervention is also likely to improve it in elementary and high school students. This improvement seems to persist over time, compared to the control group. A first approach to the possibility of transferring these abilities to other areas that are not related to nutrition has also shown positive results. 

Edelsztein, V. C.*, & Galagovsky, L. (2021). Chemistry revisited: A teacher training workshop on nutrition. Chemistry Teacher International, 3(1), 81-94.  (*corresponding author).

This work presents a teaching training workshop on human nutrition topics with strong emphasis on the underlying chemical concepts. It was designed according to the Sustainable Conscious Cognitive Learning Model (SCCLM) and framed in a Context-Based Science Education (CBSE) approach. The proposal was implemented with 44 upper secondary school science teachers. It consisted of three phases. First, teachers were presented with 'common-sense' driven sentences on nutrition topics and they were asked if they agreed or disagreed with them. Through an oral discussion, the emergence of the teacher's own cognitive conflicts was promoted in order to trigger subsequent motivation for achieving further knowledge. Next, main scientific ideas and related chemical concepts were presented for each sentence, along with teaching recommendations to complete a CBSE approach. Finally, teachers were asked their opinions on the didactic proposal. Results showed that teachers were motivated to learn beyond their strong initial non-scientific based ideas by questioning the reliability of the information sources. They were also willing to revisit their teaching on some of the canonical concepts of chemistry. 

Edelsztein, V.* & Castellsaguer, D. (2020). Reacciones nucleares y radiactividad: un abordaje posible desde el enfoque del aprendizaje basado en problemas. Revista de Educación en la Química, 26(1), 37. (*corresponding author).

En este artículo se plantea la utilización de la estrategia didáctica del aprendizaje basado en problemas para la enseñanza del tema “reacciones nucleares y radiactividad”, uno de los contenidos básicos de química en la escuela secundaria. En el diseño de las actividades se utilizó un episodio de la historia de la ciencia para contextualizar el contenido y se tuvieron en cuenta la naturaleza abstracta del fenómeno de la radiactividad, el formalismo matemático necesario para su descripción y su repercusión en la sociedad. La experiencia se llevó a cabo en una escuela secundaria con un grupo de estudiantes de 17 años y se evaluó en función de ocho parámetros relacionados con la capacidad argumentativa, la apropiación de conocimientos, las competencias adquiridas en términos de comunicación y la motivación. 

Pezzatti, L., Edelsztein, V. & Hermida, M.J. (2020). The learning of mathematics in Argentina and its association with the cognitive sciences: opportunities and challenges. Studies in Psychology, 41(2), 348.

This article is a review of the current state of interaction between research into the cognitive sciences and mathematics learning in Argentina. It will firstly outline the main guidelines of Argentina’s current educational curricula in regard to the learning of mathematics. Secondly, the results Argentina obtained in international standardized tests are described and research proposals aimed at improving these results are put forward. Finally, the article explores the current lack of interaction between research into cognitive sciences and mathematical education and presents recent proposals that seek to bridge these two areas. 

Edelsztein, V*., Guastavino, F. y Mileo, A. (2020). ¿Quién es esa científica? Una iniciativa didáctica para visibilizar la presencia de las mujeres en la ciencia. Journal of Science Communication – América Latina 3(1), N01. (*corresponding author).

En este artículo se presenta el desarrollo y la implementación de una propuesta didáctica basada en un juego orientado a visibilizar la vida y obra de científicas argentinas. Enmarcado dentro la Ley de Educación Sexual Integral, surgió como una manera lúdica de suplir la ausencia de referentes en el currículo. La iniciativa, única en Argentina, involucró a 26 docentes y 802 estudiantes de entre 10 y 15 años de edad que lograron apropiarse de las representaciones de las científicas y reconocer investigadoras en su entorno cercano a partir del desarrollo áulico de la actividad. 

Edelsztein, V. C.*, Tarzi, O. I., & Galagovsky, L. (2020). Chemical senses - a context-based approach to chemistry teaching for lower secondary school students. Chemistry Teacher International, 2(2). (*corresponding author).

The Context-Based Science Education (CBSE) approach promotes the inclusion of scientific concepts in everyday situations. In this work, we present a non-traditional context-based teaching experience on the subject of chemical senses that seeks, through a unique didactic instrument, to generate cognitive conflicts in order to promote conceptual change from “common sense” to science-based ideas. This experience encourages the active role of the students and involves simple experiences with everyday materials. It was carried out with 95 students from 12 to 15 years old. The contents developed during the experience were focused on taste and smell and the concepts of perception and sensation. The activities were designed to promote students’ self-awareness on their previous knowledge in order to achieve a sustainable learning by constructing appropriate scientific concepts. Assessment of students’ motivation for learning and their conceptual change – from common sense ideas to science based ideas – was done through an initial survey and a post-test. Students’ perception on their commitment and enjoyment about the approach has been evaluated through a metacognitive poll. The results show that the activities were highly motivating and that students were aware of their improvement in knowledge and their own commitment to the task throughout the entire experience. 

Edelsztein, V.* & Galagovsky, L. (2020). Evidencia de deducciones erróneas y sus posibles efectos en el aprendizaje inicial del concepto de célula en la escuela primaria. Ciência & Educação (Bauru), 26. (*corresponding author).

En este trabajo se han obtenido evidencias sobre dificultades para procesar información referida al concepto de célula en estudiantes de escuela primaria. Se identificaron posibles deducciones erróneas que podrían establecer estudiantes de 5to grado (10-11 años) que intentaran procesar cognitivamente, y por primera vez, la información de libros de texto escolares y del discurso docente sobre el tema y se diseñó un cuestionario con el objetivo de hallar evidencia de estas deducciones. Fue posible detectar algunas evidencias de construcción de modelos explicativos incipientes siendo destacable la aparición de modelos consistentes, pero científicamente incorrectos. Luego, se aplicó el mismo cuestionario a estudiantes de 6to y 7mo grado (11-13 años) y se observó que algunos patrones de respuesta se mantenían e, incluso, se afianzaban. Estos modelos podrían dar cuenta del origen de errores o dificultades en la comprensión del concepto célula en estudiantes de niveles educativos subsiguientes. 

Edelsztein, V* & Galagovsky, L. (2019). Enseñanza acerca de los sentidos químicos. Indagación sobre una experiencia motivadora. Enseñanza de las ciencias, 37(1), 177. (*corresponding author).

En este trabajo se muestra un modelo de enseñanza vivencial, no tradicional, sobre el tema sentidos químicos. Se trata de una experiencia didáctica que promueve la reflexión sobre ideas o conocimientos previos total o parcialmente erróneos para transformarlos en conceptos sostén apropiados. El diseño didáctico de las actividades fue planificado en función del modelo de aprendizaje cognitivo consciente sustentable. La experiencia relata los resultados que provienen de la implementación de cuatro talleres presenciales de tres horas cada uno, con una participación total de 87 profesores en servicio y en formación, pertenecientes a las áreas de biología, química, física y matemáticas de escuela media. 

Galagovsky, L. & Edelsztein, V. (2018). Obstáculos de aprendizaje en niños de 10-12 años sobre el tema sistema circulatorio humano. Una propuesta teórica en base a evidencias. Ciência & Educação (Bauru), 24(2), 283.

Este trabajo se centra en la investigación sobre posibles orígenes para los errores de aprendizaje detectados en estudiantes de 5to y 6to grado de escuela primaria (10-12 años), frente al tema sistema circulatorio humano. A partir de evidencias que provienen de las respuestas de los niños frente a un cuestionario, se presenta una propuesta de procesos cognitivos involucrados en el aprendizaje en función del marco teórico del Sistema de Procesamiento de la Información. Finalmente, se propone una categorización de Obstáculos Epistemológicos de Aprendizaje (OEA) que se derivan del análisis de casos de aprendizajes erróneos sobre el tema en cuestión. La importancia de detectar tempranamente dificultades de aprendizaje sería llegar a evitar que se afiancen los errores generados durante el procesamiento inicial de la información que se debe aprender. 

Edelsztein, V.* & Galagovsky, L. (2017). Simplificación de los textos escolares y sus posibles efectos en el aprendizaje. El caso de los sistemas del cuerpo humano en un 5to grado. Revista de Educación en Biología, 20(2), 41. (*corresponding author).

En este trabajo reflexionamos sobre la manera en que la información excesivamente fragmentada y sobre-simplificada en la enseñanza de los sistemas del cuerpo humano, puede conducir a conceptos erróneos en el aprendizaje de niños de 5to grado de escuela primaria. A partir de la información presentada en el libro de texto escolar, proponemos una serie de deducciones erróneas (DE) que podrían establecer estudiantes que se inician que intentara comprender los dibujos y sus textos explicativos. Luego, utilizamos las respuestas del alumnado frente a un cuestionario ad hoc como evidencias para analizar cómo referentes recurrentes en sus respuestas tienen correspondencias con las deducciones erróneas propuestas. 

Galagovsky, L. & Edelsztein, V. (2017). Obstáculos de aprendizaje en niños de 10-11 años sobre el tema sistema circulatorio. Enseñanza de las ciencias, Número extra X Congreso Internacional sobre Investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias, 4407.

Este trabajo se centra en la investigación de los errores de aprendizaje del tema sistema circulatorio humano en estudiantes de quinto grado de escuela primaria a la luz de distintos obstáculos epistemológicos subyacentes. A partir de las evidencias que provienen del análisis de las respuestas de los niños frente al aprendizaje del tema en el contexto escolar, se presenta una propuesta teórica de cuatro Procesos Cognitivos requeridos para la adquisición de nuevos aprendizajes, basados en el marco del Sistema de Procesamiento de la Información. Se propone también una categorización de nuevos Obstáculos Epistemológicos de Aprendizaje (OEA) que se suman a otros ya publicados para aprendizaje en contextos universitarios. 

Schmidt, L.C., Edelsztein, V.C., Spagnuolo, C.C., Di Chenna, P.H. & Galian, R.E. (2016). Light-responsive hybrid material based on luminescent core–shell quantum dots and steroidal organogel. J. Mater. Chem. C, 4, 7035. 

We report the synthesis of a smart novel hybrid with reversible photoswitchable luminescence properties modulated by light. The combination of a low molecular weight organogelator (LMOG) and CdSe/ZnS core–shell semiconductor nanoparticles capped with trioctylphosphine oxide ligands produces a luminescent, stable and transparent material. Modulation of the luminescence properties was successfully achieved using a diarylethene photochromic compound, with good resistance to fatigue ca. 22 cycles. Interestingly, the morphology of the organogel fibers was preserved in the hybrid, while a partial luminescence quenching of the nanoparticle was observed. This material could have implication for on-and-off photoswitching applications. 

Bonifazi, E.*, Edelsztein, V.*, Menéndez, G., Samaniego López, C., Spagnuolo, C. & Di Chenna, P. (2014). Versatile Supramolecular Organogel with Outstanding Stability toward Aqueous Interfaces. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6 (12), 8933.  (*ambas autoras contribuyeron por igual y deben ser consideradas primeras autoras del trabajo).

In this communication, we report on a novel and versatile low-molecular-weight organogelator. The methanolic gel exhibits an exceptional water-enhanced stability as evidenced by a 30 °C increase in Tg with up to 10%v/v of water. This atypical property not observed with other solvents makes of this supramolecular gel a highly stable matrix compatible with aqueous interfaces. As a proof of principle we present the sensing performance of a symmetric tricarbocyanine fluorophore bearing a Zn(II)chelator unit. The system retained its remarkable physical integrity for a long period of time opening new possibilities for other organic-aqueous interface applications. 

Edelsztein, V., Mac Cormack, A., Ciarlantini, M. & Di Chenna, P. (2013). Self-assembly of 2,3-dihydroxycholestane steroids into supramolecular organogels as a soft template for the in-situ generation of silicate nanomaterials. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 9, 1826–1836. 

Supramolecular gels are an important and interesting class of soft materials that show great potential for many applications. Most of them have been discovered serendipitously, and understanding the supramolecular self-assembly that leads to the formation of the gel superstructure is the key to the directed design of new organogels. We report herein the organogelating property of four stereoisomers of the simple steroid 2,3-dihydroxycholestane. Only the isomer with the trans-diaxial hydroxy groups had the ability to gelate a broad variety of liquids and, thus, to be a super-organogelator for hydrocarbons. The scope of solvent gelation was analysed with regard to two solvent parameters, namely the Kamlet–Taft and the Hansen solubility parameters. The best correlation was observed with the Hansen approach that revealed the existence of two clear gelation zones. We propose a general model of self-assembly through multiple intermolecular hydrogen bonds between the 1,2-dihydroxy system, which is based on experimental data and computational simulations revealing the importance of the di-axial orientation of the hydroxy groups for the one-dimensional self-assembly. Under controlled conditions, the fibrillar superstructure of the organogel was successfully used as a template for the in-situ sol–gel polymerization of tetraethoxysilane and the further preparation of silica nanotubes. We propose that the driving forces for templating are hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions between the anionic silicate intermediate species and the self-assembled fibrillar network. 

Martínez, M., Edelsztein, V., Durán, F.,  Di Chenna, P. & Burton, G. (2013). Synthesis of 6-azaprogesterone and 19-hydroxy-6-azasteroids. Steroids, 78 (1), 34. 

19-Hydroxy-6-azapregnanes were obtained from pregnenolone via a 7-azido-5-oxo-6-nor-5,7-secopregnane intermediate. The 6-azapregnane core was built in good yield in a straightforward way from the secosteroid, by means of a Staudinger (aza-Wittig) reaction. Finally the 19-hydroxy-6-azapregnane was transformed into 19-hydroxy-6-azaprogesterone (that cyclized spontaneously to the 19 → 3 hemiketal) and 6-azaprogesterone. The 6-azapregnanes lacked agonistic/antagonistic activity on the progesterone receptor. 

Edelsztein, V., Jares-Erijman, A., Müllen, K., Di Chenna, P. & Spagnuolo, C. (2012). A Luminescent Steroid-based Organogel: ON-OFF Photoswitching by Dopant Interplay and Templated Synthesis of Fluorescent Nanoparticles. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 21857-21861. 

The modulation of the fluorescence emission of a perylene dye between ON and OFF states was achieved with high efficiency by means of a diarylethene photochromic compound in an organogel medium. Fluorescent gels were prepared from a steroidal low molecular weight organogelator doped with the perylene fluorophore. The compatibility of the photochromic compound in this medium and the non-destructive readout capability were demonstrated. The dye doped organogel was further used as a template and an innovative method was employed to grow fluorescent silica spherical nanoparticles with physically and chemically admixed perylene dye. 

Edelsztein, V., Di Chenna, P. & Burton, G. (2010). Self-assembly of a silylated steroid-based organogelator and its use as template for the in situ sol–gel polymerization of tetraethyl orthosilicate. Tetrahedron, 66, 2162. 

In this paper we report the synthesis of a new steroid-based low-molecular weight organogelator, the analysis of the self-assembled fibrilar network (SAFIN) and its use as template for the preparation of SiO2 nanotubes. This novel steroidal organogelator has a unique structure among the well known family of steroid-based organogelators, the most important characteristic of this molecule is the presence of a silyl ether group at C-3 together with a 6β,19-oxo bridge. It was capable to gelate hydrocarbons and tetraethyl orthosilicate at very low concentrations (<1 wt %). An insight into the aggregation mechanism is provided revealing that complementary interaction between an α-oriented hydrogen bond donor and a β-oriented acceptor on the steroid skeleton is the driving force for the primary 1D self-assembly. The SAFIN was successfully used as template to grow silica nanotubes (external diameter: 40-60 nm, internal diameter: 7 nm and several micrometers length) through a catalyst-free in situ co-assembly polymerization process. Hydrogen bond or electrostatic interactions between the anionic silicate intermediate species and the SAFIN are proposed to be the driving force for templating. 

Durán, F., Edelsztein, V., Ghini, A., Rey, M., Coirini, H., Dauban, P., Dodd, R. & Burton, G. (2009). Synthesis and GABAA Receptor Activity of 2,19-Sulfamoyl Analogues of Allopregnanolone. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 17, 6526.

The synthesis of new analogues of allopregnanolone with a bridged sulfamidate ring over the beta-face of ring A has been achieved from easily available precursors, using an intramolecular aziridination strategy. The methodology also allows the synthesis of 3alpha-substituted analogues such as the 3alpha-fluoro derivative. GABA(A) receptor activity of the synthetic analogues was evaluated by assaying their effect on the binding of [(3)H]flunitrazepam and [(3)H]muscimol. The 3alpha-hydroxy-2,19-sulfamoyl analogue and its N-benzyl derivative were more active than allopregnanolone for stimulating binding of [(3)H]flunitrazepam. For the binding of [(3)H]muscimol, both synthetic analogues and allopregnanolone stimulated binding to a similar extent, with the N-benzyl derivative exhibiting a higher EC(50). The 3alpha-fluoro derivative was inactive in both assays. 

Edelsztein, V., Di Chenna, P. & Burton, G. (2009). Synthesis of C–C bonded dimeric steroids by olefin metathesis. Tetrahedron, 65, 3615. 

Five new C–C bonded steroidal homodimers derived from deoxycholic acid, pregnenolone, and progesterone were synthesized by an olefin metathesis reaction assisted by microwave heating. Microwave improved the yield and accelerated the reaction allowing the use of less catalyst with good results (2.5 mol %). Due to the bulky nature of the steroidal skeleton the more favorable E-dimers were formed as the sole or major products depending on the linker length. 

Alvarez, L., Veleiro, A., Baggio, R., Garland, M., Edelsztein, V., Coirini, H. & Burton, G. (2008). Synthesis and GABAA receptor activity of oxygen-bridged neurosteroid analogs. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 16, 3831. 

Three analogs of neuroactive steroids were prepared (46) in which 1,11- or 11,19-oxygen bridges give a constrained conformation. Their 3D structures were obtained by ab initio calculations and in the case of 3α-hydroxy-11,19-epoxypregn-4-ene-20-one (4), confirmed by X-ray analysis. Biological activity of the synthetic steroids was assayed in vitro using t-[3H]butylbicycloorthobenzoate as radiolabeled ligand for the GABAA receptor. The activity of compound 4 was similar to that of allopregnanolone (1). 1α,11α-Epoxypregnanolone (6) was more active than pregnanolone (2).