MATH 140C (Spring 2019)

Welcome (back) to MATH 140! This is the page I'll be using for posting things such as contact information, office hours, section details/announcements, corrections to screw-ups, review session times, study guides, etc.

    • Name: Vaki Nikitopoulos
    • Email: (Please include [MATH 140C] in the subject of your emails.)
    • Section: 970548 A01, Monday 7:00PM-7:50PM, AP&M 2301
    • Office Hours: Mondays 12PM-1PM (AP&M 5412 with backup room AP&M 7218 except weeks 4 and 8) and Tuesdays 8:30am-9:20am (AP&M 5412 with backup room 5402)
Nikitopoulos_MATH 140C Study Guide.pdf

Here is the study guide for the course so far. I last updated it 06/10/2019. Please let me know if there are typos.

Nikitopoulos_MATH 142B_Study Guide.pdf

I was a TA for MATH 142A-B during the first two quarters of this academic year, and this is a study guide I prepared for the students in that course. Though it is for a different course, lots of results covered in 140A-B are in here, and it may be a useful reference. This is why I put here. I shall likely write a study guide for this quarter as well.

Announcement (04/02/19): I have determined the location of my office hours. The plan is as follows:

    1. Every office hour, we shall start in my office (AP&M 5412). My desk is to the left, all the way back, and to the right. I have a piece of paper that says "Vaki" pinned up.
    2. If things get too crowded (4 or more), then we'll move to the backup room (AP&M 7218 or 5402 -- check above in bold). So if I am not at my office, then check the backup room. I shall also try to write on the board next to my desk if we move to the back room.
    3. You'll notice that not every office hour has a backup room. If things get too crowded on a day on which I do not have a backup room, then I shall request one for that time from the front desk. I'll post it on this website and write it on the board by my desk.

Announcement (04/11/19): I adjusted my office hours, as is displayed above. Also, if you ever have something you would like me to go over in section, then please email me about it, and I'll make sure to comment about it.

Announcement (04/18/19): The first homework is graded. Please pick it up IN SECTION ON MONDAY!

Announcement (04/23/19): The second homework is graded. Please pick it up IN SECTION ON MONDAY (04/29) or in my office hours right now (8:30am-9:20am)!

Announcement (04/24/19): The quizzes are graded. Please pick them up from me in my office (AP&M 5412) tomorrow (04/25) between 11am and 12pm!

Announcement (04/25/19): I am very sorry, everyone. Something popped up, so I will actually be making the quiz pickup time 11:30am until 12pm today, instead of 11am until 12pm.

Announcement (05/02/19): I will be holding a Midterm Review Session on Wednesday, May 8, in AP&M 7321 5:00PM-6:30PM. I'll do a review of the content so far with my own comments about intuition and such, and then there will be a good chunk of time available for questions. Please take some time to write down questions/confusions you have so that the review session can be as helpful as possible.

Also, your third homework is graded. Please pick them up in section or office hours. Also, if you have not picked up your quiz, then please do so. It would really be a good idea for you guys to look at them before the exam.

Announcement (05/05/19): I have posted a study guide for linear algebra through differentiation in normed vector spaces. See above. (I shall likely update it with measure theory things in the next few days.) Please let me know if there are any typos. Also, I have the following disclaimers about the study guide.

Disclaimers: First, I organized the ideas how I think it is good to think about them in a big-picture way, not in the order in which they were developed. (In particular, the study guide is organized by related concepts and no necessarily how things were developed in class.) Second, I have synthesized a good bit of the homework in the study guide, but I highly suggest you go through the study guide and add your own examples, comments, and useful results from the homework. Third, I wrote the study guide how I think about these things, and it might be very useful for you to reorganize it for yourself, according to the way you think about these things.

Announcement (05/08/19): I updated the study guide with the measure theory stuff. I also fixed a couple typos. Please let me know if you notice any more typos.

Announcement (05/25/19): Hi, everyone,

There will be some logistical anomalies in these last few weeks of class of which I wanted to make everyone aware. Let's take it week by week.

  • May 27 - June 2: Because of Memorial Day, there will be no section or Monday office hours. (Tuesday's office hours will be held as usual.) Because of this, I am going to hold extra office hours on Wednesday, May 29. They'll be in AP&M 5412 at 3:30-5:30PM. Also, I'll try to update the study guide as much as possible this week, so you can start studying for the final early.
  • June 3 - June 9: I'll be out of town for almost all of this week. I'll have a substitute running section on Monday, June 3, who will know what is going on with the homework problems and such. There is a small chance I can get my office hours covered, but this is not likely. I'll post another announcement if this happens. Because of this, feel free to send me questions over email. I'll be keeping a close eye on my email during business hours; if you send me an email during these hours, then I'll get back to you the same day. Most importantly, there will be a final exam review session on Saturday, June 8. The time and place are TBD, as I have to book a room. Of course, I'll post an announcement about that when I find out.
  • June 10 - June 16: This is exam week. I'll have extra office hours on Monday, June 10, at 11:00AM-1:00PM in AP&M 5412. This is two days before the exam; the office hours will (hopefully) serve to clear up any last-minute confusions.

Check this website periodically for updates and edits to the study guide. As usual, let me know if you have any questions! Finally, please make sure to fill out teaching evaluations when they come out; I'll post reminders about this.

Best wishes,


Announcement (05/28/19): Teaching evaluations are out! PLEASE fill them out <3!

Announcement (06/03/19): I have three announcements/reminders.

  • The graduate student, Brian Tran, who is substituting for me in section today is available for questions if you have them today 6:00-7:00PM in AP&M 6414. Anything you might've wanted to ask me in office hours, you are welcome to ask him!
  • The review session's time and place has been determined: Saturday, June 8, at 12:00PM-2:00PM in AP&M 5402.
  • Once again, please fill out teaching evaluations!

Announcement (06/05/19): I have updated the study guide through the general materials on measures and the construction of the Lebesgue measure. I also fixed some previous typos. I will continue working on the material on measurable functions and integration.

Announcement (06/07/19): I updated the study guide through the material on measurable functions. The only thing left is integration, which will be finished before the review session. Find the typos!

Announcement (06/08/19): I finished updating the study guide. I will continue modifying it as I find typos. Please let me know at the review session or in an email if there was anything covered in class that is not in the study guide. I can add some things before the exam if it would be helpful. Make sure to bring your questions to the review session and to fill out your teaching evaluations! Also, I wrote a little note about Problem 3 from Homework 8. Take a look.

Approximation By Simple Functions.pdf

Announcement (06/08/19): Here is the exercise sheet from the last section.

Exercises for Last Section.pdf

Announcement (06/09/19): After the review session, I added some things about L^p spaces and integration of complex-valued functions to the study guide. I also fixed some typos.