Here is a list of talks/presentations I have given in reverse chronological order.
"To (Peano) exist, or not to (Peano) exist? That is the question."
Postdoc Seminar, Univesity of Michigan, 02/14/25
"Noncommutative stochastic calculus"
Algebraic Aspects of Random Matrices, CIRM, 10/07/24
"Functional calculus calculus"
Workshop on Non-commutative Function Theory and Free Probability, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics, 05/02/24
"Noncommutative stochastic calculus"
Integrable Systems and Random Matrix Theory Seminar, University of Michigan, 03/18/2024
"Noncommutative Stochastic Calculus"
Felix Klein Seminar, University of Notre Dame, 01/25/24
"Noncommutative stochastic calculus I"
Workshop on Operator Algebras and Applications: Free Probability, Fields Institute, 11/14/23
"Noncommutative Stochastic Calculus"
IWOTA Random Matrix Theory and Mathematical Physics Special Session, University of Helsinki, 08/01/23
"Martingale Theoretic Approach to Noncommutative Stochastic Calculus"
ANR STARS Workshop on Random Matrices and Free Probability, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, 06/28/23
"Noncommutative C^k Functions, Multiple Operator Integrals, and Derivatives of Operator Functions"
Noncommutative and Functional Analysis Seminar, Universität des Saarlandes, 04/24/23
"Noncommutative Stochastic Calculus"
Seminar on Random Matrices and Free Probability, Queen's University, 04/06/23
"Noncommutative Stochastic Calculus"
Working Group on Seminar, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, 02/02/23
"We'll See What the People Want"
Food for Thought, UCSD, 01/25/23
"Community Building through Leadership and Involvement" (with Eva Loeser)
Grad Talk Series, UCSD, 11/04/22
"Differentiating Matrix Functions"
Undergraduate Mathematics Colloquium, UCSD, 10/19/22
"Higher Order Derivatives of Operator Functions in Ideals of von Neumann Algebras"
ASUERAU C*-seminar, Arizona State University, 10/05/22
"Higher Differentiability of Operator Functions" (Lightning Talk)
Young Mathematicians in C* Algebras (YMCA) conference, University of Oslo, 08/08/22
"Itô's Formula in Free Probability"
19th Workshop: Noncommutative probability, noncommutative harmonic analysis and related topics, with applications; Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN), 08/05/22
"Itô's Formula in Free Probability"
RMMC Summer School, University of Wyoming, 06/07/22
"Infinite-Dimensional Calculus II: The Integral"
Food for Thought, UCSD, 02/02/22
"Choose Your Own Functional Calculus Adventure"
Food for Thought, UCSD, 12/07/21
"Partial Seussification of a Proof of Liouville's Theorem Using Brownian Motion"
Food for Thought, UCSD, 03/02/21
"Noncommutative C^k Functions, Multiple Operator Integrals, and Derivatives of Operator Functions"
2TART Seminar Series and Conference, University of Florida, 02/23/21
Seminar announcements, slides almost identical to 01/26/21 talk below
"Itô's Formula in Free Probability"
Analysis Seminar, Indiana University, 02/10/21
"Noncommutative C^k Functions, Multiple Operator Integrals, and Derivatives of Operator Functions"
Functional Analysis Seminar, UCSD, 01/26/21
Seminar announcement, talk slides (typos corrected from talk), video
"Differentiating Matrix Functions"
Food for Thought, UCSD, 10/13/2020
"Itō's Formula in Free Stochastic Integration"
Advancement to Candidacy, UCSD, 05/21/20
"What is (free) independence?"
Food for Thought, UCSD, 02/14/2020
"Infinite-Dimensional Calculus I: The Derivative"
Food for Thought, UCSD, 10/11/2019
"Algebratizing Differentiation Geometry: Linear Differential Operators"
Food for Thought, UCSD, 11/06/2018
"Sard's Theorem: Proof and Applications"
Presentation for a topics course of András Stipsicz, 04/03/2018
"On the Interface between Pure Mathematics and Science"
Presentation at Budapest Semesters in Mathematics about my undergraduate thesis research, 09/21/2017
"Instantaneous Normal Mode Analysis on Manifolds"
Undergraduate thesis defense, 05/05/2017